A Bat Mitzvah at 99
There’s a new initiative at Sydney’s The Great Synagogue, ’12 Over 12’ – a program devised for 12 women over the age of 12 to finally celebrate a Bat Mitzvah.

The Bat Mitzvah girls
So many women grew up without the opportunity, or even right, to have a Bat Mitzvah, and so to have experienced one in their later years, at a time in their lives when they are far more reflective, spiritual and seeking knowledge and connection with their Judaism and their community, it has been so enriching for them. Each had a different view of what being Jewish meant to them and they engaged in lively discussions each week whilst learning, laughing and creating lovely new friendships.
The program is the initiative of ex-Vice President of The Great and convenor of WOW (Women of Worth events) Caroline Lewis and was created together with Jewish educator Jacki Gluck. She was able to bring to life women’s learning and appreciation of their strengths and sense of historical importance, culminating in their long-awaited Bat Mitzvah. The group spent six weeks learning and discussing what having a Bat Mitzvah meant to them, the significance of their birthdate and Hebrew name, about Mitzvot and Tzedakah, did a special challah bake and selected a famous Jewish woman in history that resonated with them.

Caroline Lewis and her 99-yr-old mother Alice Hubbers
Last Sunday, these brave and determined women stood on the bimah before more than 100 of their family and friends to deliver their D’var Torah, written over the past few weeks. All but one of the women were over 70 years of age, and one special lady, Alice Hubbers, (Caroline’s mum) had flown in from the UK only a few days earlier. She had been studying online each week with the group from 11.30pm-1.30am and had the wonderful support of her group throughout the experience. She turns 99 next month; surely the oldest B’not Mitzvah in the Southern hemisphere.
Alice told J-Wire: “It was an incredible experience and I’m so grateful to be able to do it. I feel better for it! Somehow, I feel more Jewish than I did before! I’m very happy I did it. I never thought to do it before as it was not the done thing.”

Alice Hubbers delivers her D’var Torah
Bat Mitzvah girl, Rachel Bickovsky said: “After years of not feeling I belong to a community, I have found my tribe.”
It was a journey of shared growth, perseverance, humour – and just a few (happy) tears! It may not have been the party, the pretty dress or the presents, but the gift they received will be a life-long memory and so much nachas to their family and friends.
If you are considering having your Bat Mitzvah, please get in touch with The Great Synagogue on 9267 2477 to join the next cohort.