JCCV volunteer awards

November 16, 2009 by Geoffrey Zygier
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The Jewish Community Council of Victoria has presented awards to its volunteers.

“This year’s awards night for community volunteers was really special”, JCCV president John Searle said today.

“The Jewish community could not function without the support of its volunteers. The depth and breadth of its talent is second to none and the volunteers’ willingness to help is exceptional. The JCCV feels honoured to celebrate their invaluable work”, Searle continued.

“Nonetheless an awards night is by its very nature a very difficult event to put on. There is always a danger that the audience may get bored watching one person after another receiving an award. However our very capable team, Anton Block, Randi Grose and Hilary McMahon, have really got this event down to a fine art.

We commenced with a brief and entertaining DVD featuring the highlights of the very busy past year for the JCCV. This was followed by our guest of honour, George Lekakis, chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission, a very good speaker and a great friend of our community. The entertainment was first‐class as well, jazz musicians Jonathan Skovron and Alex Burkoy, the very funny Eddie Tamir and Josh Piterman, an outstanding tenor. These acts were not only talented and varied, but broke up the presentations at just the right intervals.

Of course the highlight of the evening was the speech by Nina Bassat AM, recipient of the General Sir John Monash Award for outstanding service to the Victorian Jewish community. Gracious, inclusive and to the point, Nina’s speech looked both to the past and to the future of our community. And indeed that was the theme of the entire evening.”

Award winners:

Access Inc Michelle Feiglin

Am Echad Boris Oiberman

Australian Jewish Historical Society Horst Eisfelder

Australian Jewish Psychologists Nathan Kotler

Bialik College Genia Janover

Blake Street Hebrew Congregation Shimon Weizman

B’nai B’rith Victoria Inc Sonia Kempler

Brighton Hebrew Congregation Chaim Lavi

Community Security Group Igor Chernyega

Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria David Sherr

Jewish Aid Australia Ric Benjamin

Jewish Care Victoria Inc Reuben Zelwer

Jewish Cultural Centre & National Library “Kadimah” Alex Dafner

Jewish Holocaust Centre Dr Bill Anderson

Kehilat Nitzan Conservative (Masorti) Community Debra Korman

Kosher Meals on Wheels Joe Owzinsky

Leibler Yavneh College David Fisher Anne Ryan

Maccabi Victoria Giselle Berlinski Di Sherman

Magen David Adom Sara Baron

Mount Scopus Memorial College Helen Synman

NCJWA – Victoria Sonja Krawatt

Oz Shalom TV Inc Terry Flander

St Kilda Hebrew Congregation Adrian Bartak

Shalom Association Zalman Plotke

The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence Judith Rapke

The King David School                                                                  Sharon Hamilton

Theodor Herzl Social Club Inc Judith Ivanyi Dr Alexander Ivanyi

VAJEX Louise Dyskin Eric Gordon

WIZO Linda Yaffe

Zionist Council of Victoria David Michelson

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