Ban Ki-moon says terror attacks are result of frustration
World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder has voiced concern after United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon told the Security Council that the recent wave of Palestinian violence and incitement was the result of “frustration” and a natural reaction to “half a century of occupation.”

US Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Pic: GPO
“I deeply regret the United Nations secretary general’s dangerous justification of terrorism and the murder of Jews,” Lauder said. “It is extremely worrying and shocking that the leader of the international community has chosen to excuse the inexcusable.

Ronald S. Lauder
“Dozens of Israelis have died at the hands of Palestinian murderers over the last few months. Mr. Ban’s condemnation of these gruesome attacks sounds hollow given that he seems to condone the violence against Israelis in almost the same breath,” Lauder said. “I would expect to hear clear and unequivocal words from the United Nations leadership that there is no excuse whatsoever for stabbing people to death. Mr. Ban’s statement will only encourage Palestinians to carry out more of the barbaric attacks we have seen in recent weeks. Crimes that are understood to be unacceptable in Paris and in Brussels – the random murder of people in the street or in their homes – cannot be somehow explained away when it comes to Israel,” Lauder added in reference to the recent terrorist attacks in Europe.
In his remarks to the Security Council, Ban said: “Palestinian frustration is growing under the weight of a half century of occupation and the paralysis of the peace process… It is human nature to react to occupation, which often serves as a potent incubator of hate and extremism.”
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “The UN Secretary General’s remarks give a tailwind to terrorism. There is no justification for terrorism. The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state – they want to destroy a state and they say this openly. They want to murder Jews simply because they are Jews and they say this openly. They do not murder for peace and they do not murder for human rights.
The UN lost its neutrality and moral force a long time ago and the Secretary General’s remarks do not improve the situation.”
Occupied? By whose definition? Jordan has never demanded land that it lost in the 1967 war. Whether it was entitled to this land is another question. Again and again, over 80 per cent of the Ottoman province (formerly the Roman province) of Palestine was taken by the British to create the ‘Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’. Jordan must be part of the process to settle this question. The majority of its population are exactly the same Arabs as live in Gaza.But Jordan (and Egypt) are happy to let Hamas and other terrorists be obsessed with Israel. And for Israel to deal with them. Before 1948 Palestinian meant an inhabitant of Palestine which was never a state – Jew, Arab, Bedouin, Greek …
Frustrated? Of course, the Palestinian leaders are frustrated that their terrorist antics aren’t intimidating Israel, despite their success with victim-propaganda with world media and world leaders. Of course, the average Palestinian, fed a diet of hate-filled propaganda, believes all its woes are caused by ‘the Jews’. The idea that their continuing poverty and suffering is caused by the corrupt siphoning of billions of dollars from the UN etc into the hands of its leaders for war-mongering and their individual fortunes (starting with Arafat) is too horrible to contemplate, let alone believe.
Bibi hit the nail on the head recently when he said the Palestinians don’t want to build a state; they just want to destroy one.
If frustration leads to violence, why is it that so many biased and wilfully ignorant people, pretending to be statesmen, do not have to fear attacks from Jews?
Bibi is perfectly correct in saying “There is no justification for terrorism.” Bibi’s statement is obvious and for the UN’s Secretary-General to have to have that pointed out to him is a measure of his qualities and that of the organisation which he heads.
The supremacist professional victims are perpetually frustrated. There is nothing Israel can do about that.
Many crimes are the result of frustration. That doesn’t make them right nor justifiable.
When there is a dispute over a loaf of bread, and one side wants the whole loaf, there will always be frustration. This frustration will persist until either the whole loaf is won or a willingness to accept half a loaf can be developed.
I think that Ban Ki Moon genuinely thinks that the Arabs are prepared to accept half a loaf and that the 2 state solution is the key to a lasting peace.
This ineffectual numb skull has been a total failure as Secretary General of the U.N. The sooner he packs his bags and big cash payout, the better.
Then we might have bloody Kevin Rudd in the role. Let’s hope someone else is elected.
Sure, only to exchange one failed bumbling fool for another.
Well, it may have something to do with it. But the longer this conflict contiues the worst it will get.
Of course, let’s ignore that the Shin Bet and Ban Ki-moon are in agreement
This guy cannot be as stupid as his statements. Even a puppet such as he knows that the terror perpetrated by the arabs in Israel only stems from their hatred towards Zionism and Jews.
What excuse would Ban Ki-Moon offer for the 1929 Arab massacre of Jews in Hebron?