500 Seder packages delivered in Sydney
This year, as those who normally would not be on their own for the Seder because either they would have been invited out or would be hosting together with friends, needed to make Seders on there own and some, for the very first time.
In Sydney, Our Big Kitchen in collaboration with JEMS prepared and distributed 500 Seder packages which included Matzah, a full Seder plate, kiddush cup, candles, instructions, games for the Seder and Matzah balls!
In total, 500 Seder plates were distributed along with 5000 matzah balls.
In addition, 20 pallets of fresh fruits and vegetables were also distributed to alleviate the increased cost associated with celebrating Pesach.
While the Seders are now behind us, distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables will be added to the cooked meals distributed by Our Big Kitchen.