Mental Care celebrate Rosh Hashana
Sydney’s JewishCare held their Rosh Hashana functions for Mental Health and Aged Case Work programs.
80 people attended the Mental Health program’s Rosh Hashana lunch at Emanuel Synagogue with Rabbi Ninio officiating. The event featured the second public performance of the eight member SHIRU SHIR Choir who sang a selection of Hebrew songs for the occasion. This event has grown substantially since the first Rosh Hashana event some 2 years ago when only 15 people were in attendance. JewishCare’s Vice President Tony Breuer welcomed the crowd and confirmed the organisation’s commitment to this important program that is making such a difference the lives of so many members of the community who have mental health issues.
For the first time The Aged Case Work Rosh Hashana lunch was held outside the Eastern Suburbs. 30 people attended the event at Masada school with the students providing numerous musical items and Rabbi Krebs addressing the attendees about the tradition of serving apples and honey for New Year.