$15,000 for Moriah Early Learning Centre
State Liberal Member for Vaucluse, Gabrielle Upton has announced that Moriah College Early Learning Centre, Saunders Family Campus will get $15,000 from the NSW Government toward a new play space and play equipment.
Ms Upton said the NSW Government’s Quality Learning Environments program funding helps to support quality early childhood education for children in local communities.
“I’m delighted to announce the maximum grant funding of $15,000 to Moriah College Early Learning Centre in Rose Bay for the new play space and play equipment for their youngest students.
“We know that early learning services play a critical role in supporting children and families, especially during COVID-19, and that the funding will support these efforts.”
Moriah College President, Stephen Jankelowitz thanked the NSW Government for its positive impact through the program on experiences and outcomes for early learners.
He said: “We are delighted that our Moriah College Early Learning Centre, Saunders Family Campus will be the recipient of this grant. With enrolments at the Centre at full capacity for 2021, we welcome the new opportunities this play space and equipment will give our youngest students to immerse themselves in the creative and imaginative play through which they learn about problem-solving, teamwork and social interactions.”