Meet Mathias Cormann

November 6, 2019 by Susana Wills-Johnson
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Perth’s Carmel School’s Foundation will bring together the local business community for a breakfast event with Senator Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance and Leader of the Government in the Senate.

Mathias Cormann

The event Chair will be the Peter Quinlan, Chief Justice and the Welcome to Country will be delivered by Ms Carol Innes, Co-Chair of Reconciliation WA.

Senator Cormann has served as the Minister for Finance since September 2013, having represented the State of Western Australia in the Senate since June 2007. Minister Cormann also holds the responsibilities of Special Minister of State, a role he has previously served in on a number of occasions between 2015 and 2018. He was appointed Leader of the Government in the Senate on 20 December 2017, having previously served as the Deputy Leader in the Senate since 20 September 2015. Between 28 August 2018 and 28 May 2019, Minister Cormann also served as the Minister for the Public Service.

The event chair, the Honourable Chief Justice Peter Quinlan, was appointed to the Supreme Court of Western Australia in August last year. The Chief Justice was appointed Solicitor General for Western Australia on 1 July 2016 and served in this role until his appointment to the Bench. He served as President, WA Bar Association from 2012 to 2015, Board of Governors at the University of Notre Dame from 2008 and Director of the Law Council of Australia from 2012 to 2014.

Event host, Mr Jonathon Silbert, Carmel Foundation Chair, says “the goal with the Carmel Business Breakfast series, now in its second year, is to bring to Perth speakers of note, adding to our business community a dialogue that allows for rich and deep knowledge transfer.” Mr Silbert added “it is our goal, as a community, to share our knowledge and expertise widely, to bring together people from broad backgrounds to discuss topics of common interest and to provide an opportunity for cross-pollination of ideas and networks.”

The event will bring together members of the resources, construction, property, banking, finance, legal and government sectors. The School and its Foundation is grateful to each speaker for giving their time for this important event. The School and its Foundation also thanks sponsors Jackson McDonald, NAB, Primewest, the Schaffer Group of Companies, Threat Protect Ltd and Wingate for their support.

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