World Vision answers Shurat HaDin

October 6, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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Israeli civil rights organisation Shurat HaDin has claimed that the Australian Government indirectly funded the terrorist organisation the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine through World Vision which receives money through AusAid. The Reverend Tim Costello, the CEO of World Vision Australia has responded to the claims…

Shurat HaDin’s Akiva Hamilton is currently in Australia and has public speaking engagements…

The following is the letter written by Reverend Costello to Shurat HaDin .





12 Responses to “World Vision answers Shurat HaDin”
  1. Rachel says:

    “Rev” Costello starts his letter saying: ” I consider myself a strong supporter of Israel with many dear friends …”

    In a letter to promote a so called “art exhibition” – more like anti-Israel propaganda – organised by Friends of Palestine – titled “Life in Gaza Today” Costello writes: ” . . . This paintings exhibition are a silent eloquent testimony of a people living under intolerable conditions with dignity and hope.”

    I don’t think Costelo blames the Hamas Islamists who rule Gaza for this “intolerable conditions”.

    With friends like that who needs enemies.

  2. michael says:

    ”Shurat Ha-Din, which claims to be an Israeli law centre exposing and fighting terrorism, for which it is fundraising in Israel.. ”’

    Yes Sheree whilst Shurat Ha din are one of the only Israeli Human rights groups fighting for Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews who have been effected by Palestinian , Arab and Muslim terrorist attacks and other acts of barbarism .
    Unlike NIF
    B’TSELEM, woman in Black and a myriad of other similar left wing groups who work along side Palestinian advocacy groups that are only concerned about Arab Human rights, Shurat Ha din are almost unique.

    BTW Ask TIm Costello how much time or Money by his Arabist Org is given to Israeli Jews its all about the poor poor Palestinians and Arabs they have their hands forever outstretched looking for handouts from naive westerners who are sucked in by the very effective Palestinian propaganda machine..

    Michael Burd

  3. pam says:

    I don’t know enough about the current allegations, but it’s worth looking back to NGO Monitor Digest (Vol. 2 No. 12) August 15, 2004: World Vision International´s Pro-Palestinian Agenda

    some extracts:

    Summary: Tacit support for terror and a highly politicized agenda reflecting anti-Israel rhetoric and biased history, under the guise of “development assistance and justice.”

    World Vision’s response to Israel’s security barrier also displays almost no acknowledgement of this impact of this obstacle in preventing terror. For example, Tim Costello, Word Vision Australia’s Chief Executive described the barrier as “part of the problem, not part of the solution”, in a July 14, 2004 op-ed in The Age (Melbourne). Costello evokes the highly politicized and inappropriate claim that the barrier “is reminiscent of the Cold War and Eastern Bloc oppression.” (Costello’s comparison reflects the Palestinian propaganda effort to compare the Berlin Wall, designed to keep citizens from fleeing, with Israel’s security barrier, which saves the lives of its citizens.) These issues are noted in Colin Rubinstein’s response to Costello, who also points to reliance on the faulty advisory decision of the ICJ, in response to the highly politicized indictment from the UN General Assembly.

    Analysis of World Vision International’s website also reflects the clear political agenda, with little attention to entirely legitimate Israeli security concerns, as well as a total disregard for the effects of Palestinian terrorism on the situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Thus, World Vision’s activities in the region reflect a strong political bias, with a high level of misunderstanding and negative attitudes displayed towards Israel, while encouraging or at least condoning terrorism and incitement. This agenda is entirely inconsistent with the claimed emphasis on “economic development and promotion of justice”.

  4. I picked up on Costello’s bleat that Bashir Khairi “only conviction for terrorist involvement was in 1969 for his part in the suicide bombing of the Supersol Supermarket” . . . in Jerusalem. Only??? Wake up and stop making excuses and come clean ‘Rev’, Costello, people were brutally murdered in that attack which was carried out by the fanatical terrorist organization ‘The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ which has always advocated the murder of Jews wherever they had the opportunity. Khairi was (is?) a leader in that proscribed terrorist organization.

    Given Christianity’s foundational hatred of Jews, and its responsibility for the mass murder of Jews over many centuries, it shouldn’t suprise one to learn that ‘World Vision’ which could easily be termed a Christian cult, is funding anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli Islamic terrorist fronts. So what’s new?

    I doubt is Costello actually wrote this letter fully, it has the smell of lawyers about it. No Jew should ever give a cent to front organizations such as ‘World Vision’, there’s a hidden agenda in many of these ‘Christian charities’ and they don’t even have a good name amongst many conservative, orthodox Christian Churches, who are wary of the politics and motives of such organizations.

    Is Costello aware that one of the platforms supported by Khairi and his ilk, is the systematic depopulation of Palestinian Christians from Gaza and the ‘West Bank’? I suggest Costello has his people talk to the frightened indigenous Christians of ‘Palestine’ and hear how they have been intimidated, bullied, threatened and murdered by such as the various Palestinian Islamic front organizations such as the PLO, PFLP Hamas et. al. Are people aware that the Palestinian Christians flee to Israel for protection and that the Jewish State of Israel gives such protection and has been responsible for the saving of countless thousands of Palestinian lives? Do Australian Christians know where their monies are going and how the money is being used against other Christians and Jews? I doubt that very much.

  5. Rita says:

    Tim Costello who became the darling of the Left when he actively campaigned against his brother, Peter Costello during an election campaign, sings from the same song sheet as do those who are on automatic pilot when it comes to the demonisation of Israel.

    His blatant political favoritism was my main motivation for withdrawing my financial support for World Vision, which had lasted many years.

    As to the Australian Government “INDIRCTLY” funding those who want the destruction of Israel under the guise of helping the so-called “Palestinian” cause, I would not be so charitable but call some of their support quite DIRECT – because the Australian Green/Labor government desperately covets a seat at the UN security council. We know,of course, that the demonisation/destruction of Israel has become the quasi raison d’etre of the UN and her affiliates these days.

  6. michael says:

    Kol Ha Kavod Shurat Ha Din keep up your good work !

  7. Otto Waldmann says:

    spot on, Sheree, what could Shurat Ha-Din know about Israel !! not to mention that ALL UN orgs are the carnal expression of fairness, particulaly re Israel, but none as reliable ethically as your mates, the palestinians !!! aparently they have invented the 7th pillar of islam – that “struggle” against corruption ……..

    what an excellent good choice for favours, Sheree.

  8. Shirlee says:

    Goodness me!! Gloating are we Sheree?

    Maybe Shurat HaDin knows exactly what it’s talking about and it’s you who are wrong? Thought about that one ?

    At least Shurat HaDin is defending the State of Israel and not undermining Her like
    others I could name.

    • sheree waks says:

      Shirlee, I was certainly not gloating! However, as one who has initiated two defamation proceedings,(both over ‘Letters to the Editor’) I was merely pointing out to the good folk at Shurat Ha-Din that they should be mindful of the need to be accurate in their allegations, or they risk defamation proceedings from a party who feels aggrieved! It is quite obvious from his detailed response that Tim Costello and World Vision fall into the latter category.

      • Shirlee says:

        I don’t think “the good folk at Shurat Ha-Din ” need you to tell them anything.

        They have a good size legal team to do that.

  9. sheree waks says:

    Goodness me! Can it be that Shurat Ha-Din, which claims to be an Israeli law centre exposing and fighting terrorism, for which it is fundraising in Israel and Australia, is also guilty of false accusations of a defamatory nature against Tim Costello, World Vision, AusAid and several other groups? Perhaps Shurat Ha-Din, which is a major instigator of law suits, should be concerned that it may be at the receiving end of law suits itself if it does not get its facts right!

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