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Uncle Boydie presents William Cooper’s letter
November 14, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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Aboriginal activist William Cooper’s 89-year-old grandson Uncle Boydie has presented a copy of William Cooper’s letter to the German Ambassador to Jewish Communities, Dr Felix Klein at the Australian Embassy in Berlin.

Uncle Boydie presents the letter
It is now 79 years after Krystallnacht when William Cooper was one of the very few to protest at the German consulate in Melbourne against the treatment of Jews in Germany .
The chairman of The Council of Christians and Jews, Dr Philip Bliss was recognised for the support the Council had given with help with fundraising to get Uncle Boydie to Beersheba and Berlin.
Abe Shwarz accompanied Uncle Boydie and was instrumental in organising the event.
Dr Philip Bliss said: “It was a very emotional evening.”
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The humanitarian empathy for the Jewish people by the Koori Delegation in 1938 ought be remembered and the Jewish people have recognised this by this award and ceremony .
Jewish people ought distance themselves from racism it being a persons behaviour to do good that counts .