Sydney University and Jake Lynch: Have your say

March 15, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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The Australasian Union of Jewish Students has launched a petition calling for the dismissal of Associate Professor Jake Lynch following the violent disruption of a lecture being delivered by Colonel Richard Kemp last Wednesday.


To add your signature to the petition, visit

In their petition AUJS states:

A protestor has a $5 note thrust in his face

A protestor [out of picture] has a $5 note thrust in her face

It’s time for the University of Sydney to remove Assoc. Prof Jake Lynch after his continual harassment and intimidation of Jewish Students.

On 11 March 2015, a public lecture held at the University of Sydney on the ethics of military tactics by retired British Colonel Richard Kemp was aggressively interrupted.

Protestors wrestled with security guards who had asked them to leave and were then forced to remove them. Protestors stood on chairs, began to push students and shout loudly at those who objected to their behaviour.

Professor Jake Lynch, the Director of the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS) was in the audience.

As a faculty member, Professor Lynch should have been defusing the situation in defence of freedom of speech and academic discourse.

Instead, Lynch shouted in the face of students, obstructed campus security, filmed students without their consent and waved money in the faces of Jewish students and guests.

These actions are totally reprehensible and unacceptable behaviour from a senior academic of the University of Sydney.

Intimidating and harassing students, as well as waving money in their faces, is in clear violation of the University of Sydney’s Code of Conduct: Staff and Affiliates, which requires that staff treat students with “respect, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity”.

Anti-Semitic behaviour, harassment, and intimidation have no place in Australian society and they certainly have no place at the University of Sydney, one of Australia’s most prestigious academic institutions.

Professor Jake Lynch has a history of supporting harassment and discrimination against Jewish students. Recently, he signed a letter protesting against the deregistration of the Monash University branch of the Socialist Alternative group which was deregistered for their refusal to allow Jewish students to attend a public lecture.

This pattern of behaviour from Professor Jake Lynch creates an environment at the University which makes students feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

Academic institutions have a duty to promote the pursuit of knowledge and academic discourse. That the University of Sydney would allow a senior member of its staff to actively sabotage this fundamental process is a great discredit to its name.

It is time the University of Sydney, who is represented by Professor Jake Lynch through his words and actions, puts an end to the intimidation, harassment and offense he has caused and will continue to cause if no action is taken.

Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence, we are calling for the University of Sydney to terminate the employment of Associate Professor Jake Lynch. We believe this is the appropriate recourse for his repeated instances of disgraceful conduct.


47 Responses to “Sydney University and Jake Lynch: Have your say”
  1. Jan Poddebsky says:

    I keep getting emails from the University of Sydney asking me to tell them what I think of them. I have my own opinions but in the light of recent events I welcome as many suggestions from your readers as possible. And they don’t have to be polite.

    • Otto Waldmann says:

      Tell’em simply that their security blokes failed miserably in doing their job and also that Jake Lynch was even worse.

  2. Geoff Seidner says:

    Thursday, 19 March 2015


    From: g87
    Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:39 AM
    To: the australian
    Cc: mitchell c ; janet albrechtsen ; Chris Kenny ;


    Three thousand of my fellow supporters of Israel have had to cancel our charter flights to Sydney.
    It was understood that a free kick could be had at Jake Lynch’s groin: we were prepared to respectfully stand in line outside Lynch’s office at the Centre of Peace and Conflated Studies and didactically and systemically honour our agreement with him.

    Sadly, basis this morning’s letter to the Editor in The Australian, it seems he has vitiated his agreement.

    How sad that we have to celebrate the new Israeli government’s landslide victory another way
    Geoff Seidner

    13 Alston Gr
    East St Kilda 3183
    03 9525 9299
    I note you conveniently left out a rather critical piece of information namely that Prof Lynch was assaulted by an audience member ..twice..prior to waving the money in her face and letting her know that if she kicked him in the groin again he would sue her.

    The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS) promotes interdisciplinary research and teaching on the causes of conflict and the conditions that affect conflict resolution and peace. Research projects and other activities focus on the resolution of conflict with a view to attaining just societies.
    The Centre aims to facilitate dialogue between individuals, groups or communities who are concerned with conditions of positive peace, whether in interpersonal relationships, community relations, within organisations and nations, or with reference to international relations.
    Victoria Martin says:
    March 16, 2015 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm
    I note you conveniently left out a rather critical piece of information namely that Prof Lynch was assaulted by an audience member ..twice..prior to waving the money in her face and letting her know that if she kicked him in the groin again he would sue her.
    See this is very typical of the Zionist right….leave out the ACT of aggression and just publish the victims response as though that is an act of aggression.
    Never mind that Kemp is an apologist for war crimes.

    • Otto Waldmann says:

      Tellya wha’, yourse guys is very fuuuuuuuunny, but where was yourse on that day you could have done something really effective about the bastard. Say, you attended in some numbers Kemp’s lecture, aware, as I would expect that right on that campus a certain Jake was 100% sure gonna jump out of his box and cause some shite !!!
      My guess is that you funny and talented blokes and sheilas were in rehearsal for the new sensation THE musical ( almost on Broadway cnr City Rd. ) “Hit the Road Jake !!”. To wit, I suggest here the main numba ” Hit the road Jake/ And dont come back no more, no more/ Hit the road Jake etc.” something I seriously suggest you chant somewhere in front of his office on campus as the AUJS mantra; the melody stays the same as in the god ol’ hit (!).
      Seriously now , AUJS, you disappointed big time. WHERE WERE YOU !!!
      Being jocular now is of little, trust me, very little effect. We laugh a little, giggle a little and ignore the belated ineffective, redundant effort of yours a lot.
      Otherwise you are all very cute, I promishya !

  3. Leon Poddebsky says:

    Notice that Larry Stillman and his ilk do not focus on the slanders of the peace industry, especially the one of “genocide”.
    Larry, why not?
    Larry, do you support the genocidal agenda of Hamas?
    Do you defend the advocacy / propaganda entity known as the “peace etc Department?
    What do you have to say about the endorsement by the Sydney University mob of Hizb ut Tahrir?
    Let’s hear it, Larry.
    If you do not disavow these latter-day nazis and their Sydney University cohorts, we will know exactly where you stand, poor guy.
    You have plenty of empathy and sympathy for poor old Jake, but none for the audience, the speaker or civilised standards.

  4. Lizzie Moore says:

    Lynch was and is, very confident in his university position, hence his behaviour. To be fair to Sydney Uni though, they likely could not have known how he would behave, further down the track. Nice bit of literary irony in the above account, with his name being Yaakov or derived from Yaakov!

  5. Larry Stilllman says:

    I suggest that people read this Can the same accusations still be made against Jake Lynch? At this point, I think the p probablity is very low. A lot of selective porkies are being told.

    The students are one thing, Lynch is another. There is a lynch-mob mentality.

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      I was there.
      Your source is lying.

      • Geoff Seidner says:

        To Leon Poddebsky

        WHY BE SO GENEROUS? WHY IMPLY THERE IS A PRIMARY SOURCE TO THE STILLMAN DERIVATION? There are too many sources: including your goodself!

        Including Kemp himself in The australian yesterday
        I suggest the most likely / obvious scenario is he made it up himself.

        The left / Jew haters lie as a default position. Very few times are they caught out.
        And it is incumbent on us to call them out – to create an undeniable fact and document that can no longer be messed with.

        We all play a part.

        Yemach Shemo those who care not for the truth.
        Those who glibly, seamlessly lie without a second thought.
        May we make it painful for them when they have nowhere else to go but admit the scam. See – I am too generous too!

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      The Peace Centre’s guiding ethos is:

      wage blitzkrieg, but when the tide of battle turns against you, wage victimhood.
      It’s a technique which the Peace Centre’s Hamas and PA allies have mastered and are propagating in Australia via Lynch’s department.

      From personal experience at that university, I can tell you that at least one other “macher” in the peace industry factory is a liar and antisemite.

    • Geoff Seidner says:

      The Lord is my shepherd…. he maketh me lie beside stilled waters…
      With apologies to those so easily discreditable, willfully blind and who sadly take forever to create blusterous nonsense.

      Oh – and who is / are aesthetically inclined to the aeronautical failures of porkies.
      Larry Stillman – you are out of your depth.

    • Otto Waldmann says:

      Larry Stilmann, you know too well that this is a public site, people read the stuff published.
      As an academic, a person who rests his reputation on being intelligent, how can you offer such tendentious, UNintelligent “supportive arguments”.
      The water “incident” , if anyone HURT by a approx. twenty to fifty milligrams of drinking water, should remind you that demonstration going out of control are being LEGALLY dispersed with WATER CANNONS, gushing at great velocity and volume.
      Jake Lynch is behaving in the videos nothing like the professor (sic) he claims to be. In the video he does say that he was entitled to be there because he is a professor at Sydney Uni. and that in itself is an abuse, a falsehood. The lecture presented by Col. Kemp had NOTHING to do with the University in terms of its regular schedules. A hall was hired with the approval of the University for a purpose OUTSIDE the University’s academic programme. As such, Lynch may not claim his “right” to be there as an academic employee of the University. True, the organisers failed to screen the audience and, if I were there, I would have done something that neither Lynch nor Porzsolt would have been allowed in. THAT PROHIBITION would have been legal, Lynch’s academic credentials notwithstanding. IT WAS A PRIVATE gathering, nothing to do with what Lynch does – in more ways than one.
      The interruption of the Kemp lecture IS NOT JUSTIFIED at all. The demonstrators were in breach of security as well as other protocols.
      The lecture was approved and the interference by the demonstrators WAS NOT !!
      The commentator in the Matilda presents the incident as if it would be totally acceptable that one entity is granted approval to carry out a certain event, deemed by the administrators of the venue completely acceptable in terms of the subject matter as well as presenter, and a mob UNconnected with the administrators decides that the event IS not deemed acceptable. The demonstrators as well as YOU consider legal not to allow the lecture to proceed as organised and approved.
      Tell us if you think it rational !!!
      Jake Lynch was seen clearly implicit in the serious breach, his conduct is not consistent with one of a person respecting proper social behaviour, let alone an academic acting on the grounds of, indeed, his place of employment. Assuming that he got a bit wet, he did not deserve it, but a lot worse !!!!
      The person alleged;y “throwing” water and “injuring” a dedicated hooligan, was, indeed inconvenienced and visibly upset by the illegal interference by a true Lynch mob.
      As I said before, the audience was TOO passive, they should have come down and help a temporarily passive security get the bastards out.

      My beef is with Security. For a few minutes they were standing by the protesters doing NOTHING, allowing them to do their “job”. That is unacceptable. Under such circumstances it is not at all surprising that one person gets frustrated and does “something” to convey to the uninvited idiots that they are causing her at least unwanted anxieties.
      Lynch carried on about HIM punishing someone in the middle of a LECTURE… How is that in accordance with the purpose of the event he went in to…. simply attend with no intention to partake in disturbing the lecture !!!

      How would YOU like such an interruption during your lectures.How would you like some mob barging in chanting : ” Larry Stillman you defend Lynch and morons who offend !!!” repeated ad nauseum with the aid of a loud speaker. Here’s another one ” We don’t care about your stella, you defend a moron fella !!!”. You know what I’m talkin’ about, nothing to do with Marlon Brando !!!

      Larry, mate, you disappoint here and this is not the first time.

      • Erica Edelman says:

        Otto, your answer is great, but you lend credibility to Stillman who is intent on perverting the course of justice. Read my answer to him as soon as its posted. Now he has dragged “New Matilda” into this – no inquiry will pay any attention to those videos without verifying tampering, air-brushing/doctoring etc. And what dog in the fight does New Matilda have? More comrades and accomplices? As I said, this is not Lynch’s first rodeo – I sincerely hope its his last. Lynch needs to be sacked, charged with incitement, exposed fully in the media, made to publicly apologize and NEVER allowed to teach again.

      • Judith Grant says:

        Very well said!

    • Erica Edelman says:

      Lynch-mob indeed, Mr Stillman. Not sure what dog you have in this fight but you are cruising for a bruising putting up that “New Matilda” stuff. Not only have I been a journalist in my younger life, I ended my career as a counselor in the max security prisons. From my journalistic experience no inquiry panel/ investigative trial of Lynch’s activities will rely on these videos as an impartial, UN-tampered with, or reliable record of the activities at the forum. You are more gullible and culpable than we all even dared to guess if you are serious about becoming involved in this. Because, Secondly, and from my prison experience may I say I smell a big fat rat – just reading between the lines of your diatribe it would appear you were NOT at that forum. So, Mr Stillman, I suggest you let nature take its course on this one. Trying to pervert the course of justice is a serious business. And you had better warn your mates/accomplices at New Matilda. They are too young to be corrupted and their involvement in this shows also they are too young to be lead down the vicious and nasty path of antisemitism. Don’t even think you are going to come out smelling like roses trying to protect the antisemitic Lynch and his mob. This is not Lynch’s first rodeo. I hope it will be his last.

    • Erica Edelman says:

      Lynch-mob indeed, Mr Stillman. Not sure what dog you have in this fight but you are cruising for a bruising putting up that “New Matilda” stuff. Not only have I been a journalist in my younger life, I ended my career as a counselor in the max security prisons. From my journalistic experience no inquiry panel/ investigative trial of Lynch’s activities will rely on these videos as an impartial, UN-tampered with, or reliable record of the activities at the forum. You are more gullible and culpable than we all even dared to guess if you are serious about becoming involved in this. Because, Secondly, and from my prison experience may I say I smell a big fat rat – just reading between the lines of your diatribe it would appear you were NOT at that forum. So, Mr Stillman, I suggest you let nature take its course on this one. Trying to pervert the course of justice is a serious business. And you had better warn your mates/accomplices at New Matilda. They are too young to be corrupted and their involvement in this shows also they are too young to be lead down the vicious and nasty path of antisemitism. Don’t even think you are going to come out smelling like roses trying to protect the antisemitic Lynch and his mob. This is not Lynch’s first rodeo. I hope it will be his last.

      • Otto Waldmann says:

        Erica, you are so right in emphasising Lynch’s known record of blatant antisemitism, coated as it is in some farcical rhetoric in deffence on the palestinian cause.
        We have arrived at the inevitable conclusion that Lynch’s visceral determination is of the racist type. From the visceral depths to the intentional, purposeful acts of overt antisemitism, no mater how “explained”, there is no dividing line.
        Larry is of a different kettle and respective motivation. He has developed within the confines of certain ideologies, most of which do not aim at racial division or would be racially determined, but by ethics of social justice of the Marxist kind. I wont go into Marx’s own views on Judaism, although I am confident that Larry is aware of them.
        Larry belongs to the quasi “Chomsky Syndrome”, quasi in as much as he could only swim up to his knees in the “Chomsky Club’s” swimming pool.
        None of this affords Larry any credibility and/or legitimacy in the Israel context. Larry has a definite academic profile, one of excellence in his field one totally unrelated to his political activism, whereas Lynch is an itinerant non-entity far better known for his antisemitic activities than any academic achievements.
        Larry is impervious to ANY CRITICISM, whether rendered in cuneiform, Latin , Hebrew or, why not runic script. He is, however, from what I have noticed, a witty, very likable chap who would never stoop to the Lynch kinda deranged stunts/interpelations etc. He is incredibly wrong in his stance on the current issue, as he has been consistently bloody WRONG in everything regarding the Israel-palestinians conflict.

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      Hey, Larry, did Jake hold out a 5 dollar note instead of speaking to the lady because he believes that money talks?

  6. Efrem Manassey says:

    So sad that one who champions peace (studies) should bring such conflict.
    How wretched that a socialist (dedicated to social cohesion) should be so aggressively divisive.
    Tragic that a professor (who should be professing knowledge ) spouts hatred and descends into pedalling ignorance.
    – Yeah, a petition is sorely needed here.

  7. Geoff Seidner says:

    I have a dream that happenstance would allow me to be near demonstrations by the proletariat.

    Depicted in this ethereal contemplation would be my person shouting to the TV cameras recording it all:

    ‘Five appendages bad….’

    Here is the problem.
    The Trotskyite appendants would not get it.


    • Erica Edelman says:

      They would get it alright if they were dropped into Israeli society and told to work it out for themselves – alone in the world with just their rampant and repugnant prejudices. Empiricism sorts people out big-time. But alas, these idiots will never step outside the security that their respective narcissistic and limited little lives provide. The Lynch-mob needs a seriously useful history lesson. Peace studies? Now that is not only seriously oxy-moronic but downright dangerous for the next generation of youngsters to whom we owe the truth about the Middle East.

  8. harry rich says:

    The situation at Sydney University where I completed two courses lasting four years each and tutored for four more is beginning to look very much like campuses in USA where Jewish students are afraid.

  9. Evelyn Rosenbaum says:

    Colonel Richard Kemp is a real gentleman. I was sorry to see (video) his lecture disrupted by riffraff.

  10. john sussman says:

    This protest adopted the clasical methods of Trotsky,a romatic figure amongst the extreme left.Their intention and tactics was disruption and intimidation

  11. alan hamilton says:

    Victoria Martin has displayed a remarkable ability to ignore the facts. Did the person whom Jake Lynch waved the money at kick him in the groin? No!
    Even she admits is wasn’t. So what sort of person carries money in their top pocket to wave at people? Is that anything but racism?
    Jake Lynch displayed his true feelings towards Jews, and yet he hides beneath the guise of being anti-Israel, like virtually all anti Semites do these days. He has truly exposed himself now, even though it was evident before.
    For Victoria Martin’s edification, there IS no Zionist right. Zionism is the closest thing to true socialism that has EVER existed on the planet.
    Ask ANY non Jewish person who has lived / worked on a kibbutz.
    Colonel Kemp continues to display great courage in speaking up about the only army in the world who holds the lives of its own citizens and of its enemies as preciously as each other.
    Israel continues to lose soldiers rather than simply take the easy option ( like all other global armies) and blow up its enemies regardless of the collateral damage.
    In the most recent Gaza conflict the rate of young men between the ages of 18 and 35 who died in Gaza was 5 times their normal distribution in the Gazan population. Hence proving that Israel targetted combatants and not citizens, despite Hamas deliberately placing civilians in harm’s way (and boasting about it).
    But did you hear Lynch or his apologists complaining about that moral outrage?
    Of course not, as it doesn’t suit their rabid anti Semitism

    • Geoff Seidner says:

      From the sublime brilliance of many of the commentators we have also the invigorating idea that Lynch will allow at least one kick to his groin!

      IE before taking action through the courts.

      See the below cut and paste of Victoria Martin comment from yesterday.

      Perhaps commentators should line up outside Lynch’s department of war, peace and conflated studies to take up the offer so generously proffered?

      Once you have all had a go – no doubling up please – perhaps you can ask the man what his views are of Jew hatred – also known as anti – semitism.

      I prefer Jew hatred – which is what it plainly involves.

      If the ignoble professor of the BDS feels up to it – ask him to comment on his fellow – traveler Professor Stuart Rees comment on Julia Gillard signing up Australia to the the London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism.


      ”Victoria Martin says:
      ”March 16, 2015 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm
      Victoria Martin says:
      March 16, 2015 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm
      I note you conveniently left out a rather critical piece of information namely that Prof Lynch was assaulted by an audience member ..twice..prior to waving the money in her face and letting her know that if she kicked him in the groin again he would se [sue] her.”


      The PM et al also signed the London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism, Rees response? ‘’Childish, thoughtless but easily populist”.The Australian 14/5

      Perhaps the most salient question of all is how Stuart Rees, Lynch and the handful of fellow appendages were last year in a position to deny a scholarship to a Jew.
      An Israeli Jew.
      A Jew who wanted to merely promote a civics programme for Palestinian / Israeli Co – existance.
      OH – it was a scholarship the Sir Zelman Cowen Universities Fund Academic Exchange & Student Exchange Fellowship!


      See link to my blog here:

      Perhaps some may investigate the links that flow from the links herein and merely contemplate that as wonderful as it is to be alive in the best of times – we are far too tolerant of the outrages of the noisy minority of the crypto socialists / communists.Who hate Jews so much that they have for decades created contrivances to manifest same hatred.

      Indeed – Jew hatred broadly emanates from the left.
      It is plainly so because so many appendants and disparate tools at universities refuse to disown them.Nor do the broad left / or far left, of course.

      This is the tragedy of our times.
      Wither art thou, o noble real socialists who supported Israel at the time of Doc. Evatt?

      Read the great op ed piece in The Australian today by Richard Kemp.

      • Leon Poddebsky says:

        The reason that antisemitic parasitic totalitarian academics are so keen to boycott Israeli scholars is that they do not want colleagues and the public in general to come into contact with and actually witness in person that Israelis are human, that they contribute their share (at least) to humanity and that they are not the kinds of devils whom the racist academic parasites portray them as.

        This is also the reason that the parasites oppose visits to Israel by journalists, many of whom return home flabbergasted by the gulf between the reality of Israel and its people, on one hand, and the leftist, Islamofascist propaganda image on the other.

  12. Erica Edelman says:

    It takes a very brave, and in this case, stupid, woman to show her true colours.
    Not only is Kemp NOT an apologist for war crimes, he is NOT a man to be messed with. If you have a dog in this fight, Victoria Martin, I would suggest you keep it muzzled. It’s more than obvious you have no idea about the Zionist right. And further I’m sure there is more than enough video footage to prove you wrong in your insane assertions. You are complicit in the case for antisemitism vis a vis your comments and Irrespective of your own uneducated and ill-informed sentiment about Jewish people antisemitism on ANY university campus in ANY part of the world is a crime. People will and must be punished. People like you, Martin, and your accomplice Lynch, will NEVER be allowed to sully our precious globe. And hiding behind the guise of PEACE??? You will never be taken seriously.

  13. Victoria Martin says:

    I note you conveniently left out a rather critical piece of information namely that Prof Lynch was assaulted by an audience member ..twice..prior to waving the money in her face and letting her know that if she kicked him in the groin again he would se her.

    See this is very typical of the Zionist right….leave out the ACT of aggression and just publish the victims response as though that is an act of aggression.

    Never mind that Kemp is an apologist for war crimes.

    • Paul Winter says:

      Your comment is a typical inversion of the facts. Your pathetic attempt to smear Zionists as right wingers identifies you as one of the people who refuses to think and attempts to hide antisemitism behind left (superior) right (damnable) politics.

      Lynch was behaving abominably. He was at the meeting not as an academic but as a raging commo activist.

      Your besmirching of Col. Kemp as an apologist for war crimes also identifies you as a wind bag who activates her mouth before she engages her brain. Kemp apologises for nothing. Kemp – if you are capable of suspending your propagandistic hate – simply points out that Israel is dealing with a terrorist enemy in the most humane way possible and the the terrorism of its enemy (Hamas in this case) is typical of the way mohammedans fight.

      But for islamofascist supporters like you ISIS, Boko Haram, el Shabaab and the Moslem Brotherhood’s Gaza franchise, Hamas, are merely righteous revolutionaries battling capitalism. And such types you and your hero Jake support!

      • Leon Poddebsky says:

        Paul, George Orwell got it right…oops…is that a dirty word…when he laughed his head off in ridiculing the pathetic loser / parasites (like comfortable taxpayer-funded anti-Jewish racist academics and their kapo supporters), when he wrote: And the sheep bleated, ” Two legs bad; four legs good.”

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      Victoria, genocidal Hamas and “Palestinian” Arab Authority represent the left, do they?
      Just as the mass-murderers, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung et al did.
      Nice company.

      George Orwell: ” Two legs bad; four legs good.”

  14. Judith Grant says:

    Antisemitism on any university campus is a disgrace and should not be tolerated. It is worse when a senior member of the faculty, who is a representative of the university, is part of the problem. Political debate should not be stymied, but there is a difference between debate and downright aggressive rudeness. Associate Professor Jake Lynch is a representative of the university he works for. He has shamed himself and the university. The question to ask is Jake Lynch representing his colleagues, do they think the same as him. It is very sad if the whole of the faculty agree with him.

  15. harry freedman says:

    in addition to the comments I put on my signing of the petition, I wonder who sponsors his department/chair?
    anybody know?

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      And did the sponsors and the Centre give inducements to the students in the form of bonus marks for practical work in return for disrupting the talk?

  16. Geoff Seidner says:

    Lo – just noticed the moribund opinions of the DEMORATISCHE REPUBLIK.
    Surely even they deserve to be heard outside of the telephone – box portals they call home.
    ”Weird” by any nomenclature would be just as dubious.

    And do not forget that Stuart Spence could have put a stop to this essentially illegal chimeric study years ago.

  17. Leo Saw says:

    As I understand the situation Jake Lynch pulled a $5.00 note from his top pocket and waved it in front of a member of the audience. Who do you know keeps a $5.00 note in his top pocket. My conclusion is that he intended all along to waive the $5.00 note in the face of some member of the audience. All he needed was a “suitable” person.

  18. Geoff Seidner says:

    13 Alston Gr East St Kilda 3183

    Someone tell me what other than peaces of conflated studies does Lynch teach?
    Oops – there may be a typo above – mea culpa!

    Given his communist background – nowadays crypto – socialism – how did he get tenure teaching and plainly manifesting conflict?

  19. Larry Stillman says:

    There is something weird going on. There is a very different account of events presented by another eye witness. I am not gunning for Lynch or the students, but if serious allegations are to be made, they need to be verified and members of the audience who engaged in disruptive activity also held to account.


    I am not for disruption of a lecture by any group on campus btw.

    • Paul Winter says:

      For goodness sake, Larry, grow a brain.

      The incident was well documented. Your puerile and disingenuous attempt to cast doubt on the incident in order to support your fellow lunar left comrade is obvious and as well intentioned as the demand by Holocaust deniers for “proof”.

      • Otto Waldmann says:

        Paul,Larry knows what he is doing and how to infuse “reason” ( his very ideological one ) into an incident which, let’s be honest, Larry, must have made your day, academic rectitude/decency or not ( mainly NOT ).
        The (free) publicity gained by the ferals is priceless, enhanced by the obvious upset caused to the Zionists by the same. Right here Larry is introducing his agenda, however discretely, under the farcical banner of a fair exchange caused by the incident HIS own people provoked.
        If we need go into the core issues, fact is that the palestinian cause, as promoted by Larry and his fellow travelers ( more like a band of homeless/brainless vagabonds )is quite rapidly losing its momentum affected by the massive, almost universal , disgust at the extremes taken by a movement which INCLUDES the palestinian issue, the dreaded array of islamist jihadists. Check the main themes on the diplomatic agendas everywhere, actually the media attention diverted clearly from the “plight” of Larry’s protegees and a clear amalgamation of issues by which the viral terrorist nature of the entire palestinian crie de guerre is being recognised as a part of the strikingly real perniciousness of an entire islamic assault on the civilised world.
        Larry and his lot are losing precious ground, their aggressiveness is on the increase, the very gesture seen at Lynch is a new phase, hitherto unseen at someone who had ALWAYS been dominated by visceral antisemitism, somehow better hidden until that fateful lecture by the Colonel.
        I do NOT expect Sydney Uni. to do ANYTHING to Lynch that would satisfy the calls to decency seen here and in so many other places.
        The incident itself will be treated at best as a “regrettable” one by the Uni.
        We are seeing shifts of allegiance in OUR favour in many places traditionally viciously anti Israel. The inner conflicts between palestinian factions are intensified and soon we shall wake up to an Israel with a leadership which shall continue its solid resolve of dealing palestinians and Iran the kind of retort they deserve.
        Do I REALLY worry about a bunch of irrelevant morons screaming on a lovely early autumn’s day in me lovely Sydney…..let’s be serious !!!

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      An organised gang of megaphone-equipped yahoos, egged on by an antisemite and a kapo invade an authorised talk and shut it down, and you talk about disruptive activity by audience members?
      Nauseating hypocrisy.

    • Leon Poddebsky says:

      Why would neutral and pro-Israel members of the audience have wanted to disrupt the talk, “Larry’?
      After all, the parasites claim that Kemp supports Israel.
      Give me an example where pro-Israel/ Zionist people have ever behaved in the way that these parasites behaved-they get fat cheques from the taxpayers and use them to support wasting time, denigrating, disrupting, destroying, defaming.
      What an anti-social lot of pseudo-socialist dross.

  20. Leon Poddebsky says:

    Let’s not forget his co-offender, Dr Nicholas Riemer.

  21. Warren Brown says:

    What a sad indictment on Sydney and its universities! Sydney is now clearly the second most anti-Semitic city in the Western world after London.

  22. Erica Edelman says:

    Sack the man. Charge him with incitement and racism. Shame him publicly so that no other university will want to employ him. And then strip him of his academic qualifications. He is not fit to teach young students. EVER.

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