Sir Michael Friedlander 5th top of New Zealand’s Rich List
Sir Michael Friedlander has climbed to fifth position on New Zealand’s The National Business Review’s 2016 Rich List…and Israeli former IDF officer enters.

Sir Michael Friedlander
Businessman Sir Michael Friedlander was made a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit[for services to philanthropy in the 2016 Birthday Honours.
His personal fortune has grown up by NZ$100 million to NZ$1.5 billion.

Eyal Ahoroni
Former Israeli IDF arm major Eyal Aharoni has entered the list for the first time. He arrived in New Zealand’s 28 years ago and is now today’s head of Wellington’s major Primeporterty Group of property business.
86-yr-old Sir David Levene is listed with a personal wealth of NZ$360 million. The New Zealand’s Business Hall of Fame described him as:
“David Levene joined his father and uncle’s paint business in 1947, taking over the management in 1952 after his uncle’s death. He was aged 23 and the business had one outlet.

Sir David Levene
By 1994, when Levene & Company was sold to Skellerup Group, it had 50 stores, paint and wallpaper factories and a total turnover of $150 million.
Three years later, after an unsuccessful management buyout, it was placed in receivership. But the name and the business were later revived by a former franchisee.
Levene involved himself in property development and horticulture but found time to help the community. He supported North Shore Hospice, was a patron of Outward Bound and created a charitable trust to assist worthy organisations.”
Auckland property investor Ben Cook according the NBR has amassed a personal fortune of BZ$50 million.