Racing journo taunts club exec about his “Yid mates

October 16, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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A Melbourne Racing Club executive has complained to The Age newspaper that one of its racing journalists spoke to him of  his “Yid mates at Caulfield”.

Patrick Bartley

The Herald Sun has reported the incident at a Spring Carnival lunch with the journalist Patrick Bartley accused of using the phrase is “a rant in front of MRC racing general manager Jake Norton.

The report goes to say that Bartley joined The Age editor Alex Lavelle and sports editor Chloe Saltau joined MRC executives in a meeting followed which Lavelle “assured the MRC that Bartley would not be allowed to attend upcoming Caulfield race meetings under a Fairfax directive”.

Bartley told the Herald Sun’s Page 13 “he refuted the alleged racist claims”.

The Age’s editor said the matter is “an internal matter” and Lavelle is reported in the Herald Sun as saying “It’s not that he has been barred or not allowed to attend, we have just decided he won’t do the Caulfield Guineas”.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, said: “If the antisemitic comments attributed to Patrick Bartley are indeed true, The Age has to send an unequivocal message that any racist expression by its journalists is unacceptable by that a high price will be paid for such a shocking and outrageous conduct. There is no place in Australia for prejudice, and we expect a swift and forceful response from The Age so as to assure its readers and the community that such flagrant intolerance is out of bounds, and that it will result in serious consequences for Mr Bartley.

And again if the reported comments are proven to be true, we call on Mr Bartley to immediately apologise for his statements and to disavow the term and sentiments behind this rhetoric. Melbourne is Australia’s most multicultural city, and we are very proud that most leaders and people in the media accept and celebrate this diversity without bias.”

President of The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Jennifer Huppert said: “If the report in the Herald Sun regarding the comments attributed to The Age journalist Patrick Bartley is correct, this is a very serious matter.  Racist and antisemitic speech is never acceptable, and the JCCV applauds the actions of the MRC in lodging a complaint with Racing Victoria.

It appears from the report that The Age has not take any action against Mr Bartley as a consequence of his comments.  The Age must send a clear message to Mr Bartley, its readers and the community that it does not tolerate prejudice in any form.”

A Fairfax Media spokesman told J-Wire: ““We have got zero tolerance for behaviour that shows a lack of respect. As soon as we were made aware of the issues we got involved and have acted on it. Disciplinary action has been taken against the employee concerned.”

MRC has complained to Racing Victoria.



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