Queen’s Birthday Honours’ List

June 14, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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J-Wire congratulates all members of the community whose contribution to the betterment of our society has been recognised. Click for full list of recipients, their pix and their background…..

AC        Graeme Samuel

AO       Justice Michael Rozenes

AM      Justice Linda Dessau, Professor Laurence Geffen, David Knoll, Dr Gene Sherman, Dr Ron Weiser, Dr Saul Wiener, Dr Alex Wodak

OAM   Dr Onn Ben-David, Sandra Benjamin, Michael Cohen, John Goldman, Noel Levin,  Jerome “Jock” Levy, Dr Harry Mond, Pauline Rockman,          Barry Smorgon, Ivan Visontay



For eminent service to public administration through contributions in the area of economic reform and competition law, and to the community through leadership roles with sporting and cultural organisations.

Mr Samuel was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in The Queen’s Birthday 1998 Honours List for his service to the community in a broad range of roles within arts, business, education, health, sport and community organisations.

Graeme Samuel

The following summarises his service and involvement since then.

Chairman, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, since 2003.

President, National Competition Council, 1997-2003; Councillor, 1995-1997.

Associate Member, Australian Communications and Media Authority, since 2007.

Commissioner, Australian Football League, 1984-2003; Life Member, since 1995.

Chairman, Melbourne and Olympic Parks Trust, 1995-2003.

Trustee, Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust, 1992-1999.

Chairman, Opera Australia, 1995-2000.

President, Jewish National Fund (Victoria), 2002-2003.

Chairman, Inner and Eastern Health Care Network, 1995-2000.

Member of Board, Docklands Authority, 1997-2003.

Honorary Life Trustee, Committee for Economic Development of Australia, 2003.

Honorary Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2000.

Other awards/recognition include:

Centenary Medal, 2001.

Australian Sports Medal, 2000.

Graeme Samuel told J-Wire: “You cannot lead a vacuum. The organisations I front are made up of hundreds of inexhaustibly dedicated people. This award is an acknowledgement of their intellectual integrity and dedication.”



For distinguished service to the judiciary, particularly as Chief Judge of the County Court of Victoria and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, and through contributions to law reform and legal education.

Chief Judge, County Court of Victoria, since 2002; established judicial management model; improved infrastructure, governance and case management procedures; oversaw reforms in the Court’s civil jurisdiction, 2007; and established the Sex Offences List, 2005.

Michael Rozenes

Director, Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, 1992-1997.

Involvement included:

–  Member, Heads of Operational Law Enforcement Agencies.

–  The prosecution of 3 cases under the War Crimes Act.

–  The prosecution of corporate cases under the new Corporations Law 2001.

–  The establishment of the Committee of the Australian Directors of Public Prosecutions.

–  Amendments to the provisions of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.

–  Development of computer technology to reduce case preparation and court time.

–  Extended operations of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions to Tasmania

and Northern Territory.

Council Member, The Victorian Bar, 1988-1992 and 2001-2002; Member, Ethics Committee, for 5 years.

Chair, Executive Committee, Criminal Bar Association, 1998-2001; Member, for some years.

Queen’s Counsel, since 1986.

Admitted to practice, 1972.

Current Board Member, Judicial College of Victoria.

Current Board Member, Monash Law Foundation.

Current Member, Sexual Assault Advisory Committee, Victorian Government.

Current Chairman, Victorian Electoral Boundaries Commission.

Current Convener, Life in the Law; a support group for law practitioners who are considering leaving the legal profession.

Former Council Member, The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration Incorporated; Member, Project and Research Committee.

Former Board Member, Victorian Council of Legal Education.

Co-Chair, Australian Criminal Law National Liaison Committee, Law Council of Australia, 2002.

Member, Working Group on Criminal Trial Procedure, Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, 1999.

Consultant on submissions to the Law Reform Commission and Parliamentary Committees.

Counsel, various Royal Commissions.

Former Member, Board of Governance, Melbourne Health Inc, for several years.

Chairman, Board of the Jewish Museum of Australia.



For service to the judiciary, particularly through contributions in the area of family law policy and practice, and to the community.

Linda Dessau

Judge, Family Court of Australia, since 1995.

Magistrate, Victorian Children’s Court, Coroners Court and Magistrates Court, 1986-1995.

Referee, Small Claims and Residential Tenancies Tribunal, 1985-1986.

Senior Crown Counsel, Hong Kong, 1982-1985.

Barrister, Victoria, 1978 -1982.

Chair, Magellan Project Committee, 1997-2005.

Co-Chair, Less Adversarial Trials Project, 2003-2006.

Family Court’s representative on the Federal government’s Family Law Pathways Advisory Group, 2000-2001.

One of two judges who pioneered a form of judicial mediation/conciliation known as Judicial Settlement Conferences, 2000; this practice has now been implemented throughout Australia.

Member, Victorian Legal Aid Community Consultative Committee, 1999-2006.

Member and former Board Member, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, since 1996.

ouncil Member, National Judicial College of Australia, since 2005; Member, organising faculty, National Judicial Orientation Program, since 2000; Member, Travelling Judicial Professional Development Program; Member, Gender Justice Committee.

Member, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration Council, 1999-2005; Member, Board of Management, 2001-2003.

Commissioner, Australian Football League, since 2008.

Founding Chair and Member, Essendon’s Women’s Network, 1998-2007.

Member, Working Party that established ‘Women’s Round’, 2004.

Chair, Victoria Regional Selection Panel, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, since 2002; Member, Professional Category Selection Panel, 1996.

Patron, Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria, since 1998.

Former Patron, One Umbrella, 2001-ca2008.

Former Patron, Bill Hutchinson Foundation.

Vice-President, Wesley College School Council, 2004-2007; Member, 1997-2007.

Member, National Council of Opera Australia, 1999-2002.

Member, Royal Children’s Hospital Ethics in Human Research Committee, 1997-2000.

Board Member, Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Centre, 1993-1995.

Member, Community Council Against Violence.

Awards/recognition unclude:

Fellowship, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, 1994.

Justice Linda Dessau told J-Wire: “I feel honoured to receive the award. I am particularly pleased that the work of this Court is being recognised. It deals with the most exquisitely complex and delicate aspects of family relationships, touching the lives of so many Australians in the most personal way. Like all judicial work, it is challenging. Frequently there are no simple answers. But it is an important and rewarding area of the law and I am proud to practise in it.”


For service to neuroscience as a clinician and researcher, and to medical education.

Consultant Psychiatrist, now retired.

Co-Director, Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory, University of Queensland, 1991-2007; Professor of Psychiatry 1991-2002; Dean, Faculty of Medicine, 1991-1994.

Emeritus Professor, Flinders University, 1991; Pro Vice-Chancellor, 1989-1990; Dean, School of Medicine, 1985-1988; Foundation Professor of Human Physiology, 1973-1991.

Chairman, Accreditation Team, Fiji Medical School, 2002; Papua New Guinea School of Medicine, 2003; Harbin Medical University, 2006-2007; and the Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2008.

Contributor to Workshop on Accreditation of Medical Education, China, 2009.

Immediate Past President, Association for Medical Education in the Western Pacific Region, 2003-2005; President, 2000-2003; Vice-President, 1996-2000.

Council Member/Western Pacific Representative, Governing Council of the World Federation for Medical Education, 2000-2003.

Member, Australian Medical Council, 1988-2000; Chairman, Accreditation Committee,
1995-2000, and Member, 1993-1995; Editor of Jubilee History, 2007.

Board Member, Post Graduate Medical Education Foundation Queensland, since 2001.

Member, Medical Board of Queensland, 2000-2006; Chairman, Health Assessment Monitoring Committee, 2003-2006.

Australian Representative, Inaugural Governing Council of the International Brain Organisation, 1986-1988.

President, Australian Neuroscience Society, 1984-1985; Founding Member; Life Member, 2007.

Life Member, Royal Australasian College of Physicians.


For service to the Jewish community through a range of peak, religious and educational organisations, and to the promotion of interfaith relations.

President, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, 2004-2008; Vice-President, 1996-2004.

State Vice-President, Executive Council of Australian Jewry, 2004-2008.

Member of Executive, NSW Jewish Communal Appeal; has served as Trustee Governor; Member, Planning Committee; and Member, National Jewish Survey Committee.

David Knoll

Member, Marketing Committee, Emanuel School,  2003-2004.

Treasurer, Sydney Jewish Museum.

Board Member, Emanuel Synagogue, ca1990s.

Volunteer educator, Shalom Institute.

Member, Human Rights Committee, NSW Bar Association, 2007-2009; Member, Mediation Committee, 2000-2004.

Current Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of NSW; and 1990-1993.

David Knoll told J-Wire: “It is a an honour for me but it is a great honour for the Jewish community.”


For service to the visual arts through advisory roles and as a supporter of new and established artists, and to the community through philanthropic contributions to a range of organisations.

Chairman and Executive Director, Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, since 2008; Director, Sherman Galleries, 1986-2007.

Current Board Member, Commissioner’s Council, Australian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale.

Gene Sherman

Board Member, National Gallery of Australia Foundation, 2000-2008.

Board Member, National Portrait Gallery, since 2009.

Vice-President, Power Institute Council, University of Sydney, 1996-2006.

Trustee, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1995-2001.

Special Adviser and Trustee for Fine Arts and Sciences, Powerhouse Museum, 1995-2001.

Foundation Member, Art Gallery of NSW.

Foundation Member, Museum of Contemporary Art.

Member, Editorial Board, Art and Australia, since 2008.

Foundation Member, Advisory Board, Asia Society AustralAsia Centre, 1999-2004.

Member, International Council, Asia Society (New York), 2001-2003.

Member, Bundanon Trust, 1995-2001.

Member, Australian Centre for Photography, 1994-1997.

Member, Cultural Advisory Committee, City of Sydney (with SOCOG), 1997-1999.

Board Member, Australia-Israel Cultural Exchange.

Patron, NSW Friends of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem.

Awards/recognition include:

Doctorate of Letters (honoris causa), University of Sydney, 2008.

Bestowed the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, French Government, 2003.

Gene Sherman told J-Wire: “I feel  deeply honoured and touched emotionally  to  receive this acknowledgement of my efforts in the cultural arena .  In the life of our nation, as in other communities, culture needs constant nurturing. The many colleagues and teams with whom I’ve worked over the years  share this honour with me . They, together with thousands of others , work with huge dedication to bring  original, stimulating and high quality cultural events into our lives.”

RON WEISER [North Bondi NSW]

For service to the community through leadership roles with the Zionist Federation of Australia, to the promotion and development of Australia-Israel relations, and to youth.

President, Zionist Federation of Australia, 1996-2006; Co-President, 1994-1996; Vice‑President, 1992-1994.

Committee Member, Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency, since 2006; serving on the Education Committee, MASA Committee, Unity of the Jewish People Committee, Budget and Finance Sub-Committee on Education, and the World Keren Hayesod Executive.

President, State Zionist Council of New South Wales (NSW), 1992-1994; Vice-President, 1988-1991; Honorary Secretary, 1983-1986; Executive Member, 1970-1978; Youth Chairman.

Elected to the Board of Governors, Jewish Agency for Israel, 1997; Member, various committees including Education, Budget and Finance (of the Education Committee), Jewish Experience of Israel, and the Unity of the Jewish People, 2006.

Member, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies; Member, Youth Committee; Member, Overseas Jewry Committee.

Chairman, Zionist Youth Council of NSW, 1978-1981.

Executive Member, Sydney University of Jewish Students, 1974-1979.

Teacher, Board of Jewish Education, 1972-1979.

Member, Federal Executive, B’nei Akiva Youth Movement, 1972-1979; Member, 1967-1969; Youth Group Leader, 1969-1977; Executive Member, B’nei Akiva Sydney, 1970-1977;
NSW Camp Leader, 1972-1975.

Co-Founder, Jewish Union of Sydney Teenagers, 1971.

Dr Weiser successfully liaised with Maccabi Australia and lobbied for compensation settlementsfor victims and their families following the bridge collapse at the Maccabiah

Ron Weiser

Games in 1997.

Current Member, NSW Advisory Board, National Australia Bank Yachad Scholarship Fund.

Lecturer, Melton Adult Education Program, since 1995.

Awards/recognition include:

Inaugural Australian recipient of the Theodore Herzl Award, 2005.

Sydney D Einfeld Memorial Award, Sydney Division of the Jewish National Fund, 2000.

RonWeiser said: “This award is a reflection on the amazing achievements of all those who have worked with me over the years.”


For service to science, and to medical research through contributions to the development of the Redback spider and Stonefish antivenom, and as an allergist.

Dr Wiener undertook research at the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL) in the 1950s into the development of Redback spider and Stonefish venoms. These anitvenoms are still considered, some 50 years after their development, to be mainstays of treatments for the envenoming by these creatures. It is notable that redback spider envenoming is the commonest and most important envenoming syndrome in Australia, with some 5,000 people treated each year. Dr Wiener’s research on Stonefish led to the development of the world’s first marine (and only fish) antivenom; importantly, his research was conducted in his ‘spare time’ at CSL as it was not the primary focus of his employment. Dr Wiener’s early research on the venom of the Funnel Web spider venom was also important in the later development of an antivenom for these bites. He later researched the concept of active immunisation for snake bite which was published in 1960 in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and pioneered research on Cone Snail venom which is now a ‘global source of novel drug discovery’.

Dr Saul Wiener

Dr Wiener went on to continue his career in the field of allergy and immunology.

Cytogenetic Pathologist, Queen Victoria Medical Centre, 1985-1999.

Allergist, Royal Melbourne Hospital, 1962-1983; Honorary Allergy Consultant, 1983-1999.

Consultant Pathologist, Mental Hygiene Department, 1964-1980s.

Established a ‘chromosome laboratory’, Kew Cottages.

Research Fellow, Anti-Cancer Council Melbourne, 1958-1960.

Clinical Assistant, Prince Henry’s Hospital, 1955-1960.

Research Officer, CSL, 1952-1958.

Research Scholar, Microbiology, University of Melbourne, 1948-1951.

Fulbright Scholar, Columbia University New York, 1960-1961.

Dr Wiener authored over 50 publications between 1952 and 1984, including an article in Nature in 1956 and numerous publications in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Established Kosher Meals on Wheels in Melbourne operated from the kitchens of the Southern Memorial Hospital.

Inaugural President, Council of Orthodox Synagogues.

Was actively involved in several synagogue commitees in Melbourne.

Ran synagogue services and taught, for many years.

Dr Wiener told J-Wire:  “I was a child in Frankfurt in 1938 when we experienced Kristellnacht. I am eternally grateful to Australia and especially to Arthur Caldwell who signed the papers which gave my family refuge from the nightmare of Europe.”

DR ALEX WODAK [Darlinhurst NSW]

For service to medicine and public health, particularly in the area of drug and alcohol dependency treatment, through legislative reform, and to medical education.

Director, Alcohol and Drug Service, St Vincent’s Hospital, since 1982.

Member, Bruce Hall Gastroenterology Department, 1982-1994; Chairman, 1985-1987; Member, Drug Committee, 1983-1989.

Current Member, United Nations Injecting Drug Use Reference Group.

Current Co-Chair, Global Research Network Committee, US National Institute of Drug Abuse and the World Health Organization (WHO); Member, since 1998.

International consultant for WHO, Afghanistan, Indonesia, India and Thailand; extensive consultancies in HIV control in conjunction with WHO/World Bank in many countries.

Dr Alex Wodak

Member, Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and Drugs, 1993-2006.

Founding President, International Harm Reduction Association, 1996-2004; current Executive Committee Member.

Foundation Member, Australasian Society of HIV Medicine, 1990; President, 1989-1990.

Chair, Working Party on Alcohol and Health, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1988-1995;

Foundation Fellow, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, 1990; Foundation Fellow, Chapter of Addiction Medicine.

Former Committee Member, Drug Policy Foundation Board of Advisors, Washington DC.

President, Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation, since 1996.

Member, Hepatitis C Sub-Committee, Australian National Council on AIDS and Related Diseases, 1998-2000; Member, Research Advisory Committee, since 1998.

Member, National Health and Medical Research Committee’s Working Party on the Review of Recommendations Regarding Responsible Drinking Behaviour, since 1998.

Chair, Committee on Abuse of Prescription Drugs, Health Insurance Committee, 2001.

Established Australia’s first medically supervised injecting centre, 1999.

Adviser, Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform, since 1993.

Member, National Expert Advisory Committee on Alcohol, 1998-2004.

Member, Standing Committee, Drug Education Project, 1986-1991; Chairman, 1989-1991.

Member, Standing Committee on AIDS and Intravenous Drug Use, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, 1986-1990.

Established the Needle Syringe Program, 1986.

Council Member, Australian Medical Society on Alcohol and Drugs, 1983-1995; Secretary, 1983-1985.

Member, Management Committee, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, 1986-1987; Member, Research Committee, 1986-1987.

Member, Australian Alcohol Policy Advisory Council.

Member, Corrections Health Service Clinical Council.

Member, NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee for Hepatitis, since 2000.

Member, NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, since 1995.

Member, NSW Ministerial Committee on AIDS, since 1987.

Participant, NSW Drug Summit, 1999.

Representative of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Medical Committee, NSW Poisons Act; 1985-1992 and since 1994.

Member, Methadone Standing Committee, NSW Health, 1984-1987; Member, AIDS and Intravenous Drug Use Sub-Committee, 1986-1989.

Helped to establish the NSW Users AIDS Association, 1989.

Member, NSW Methadone Policy Committee, 1988-1994.

Member, Population Health Advisory Committee, NSW Public Health Forum.

Honorary Visiting Fellow, National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, University of NSW; since 1999; Conjoint Research Fellow, 1992-1998.

Conjoint Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, National Drug and Alcohol and Research Centre, 1991-1997.

Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Community Medicine, since 1994.

Conjoint Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, School of Medicine, since 1985.

Awards/recognition include:

Norman Zinburg Award for Medicine, Drug Policy Foundation, USA, 1992.

Rolleston International Award, International Conference Reduction of Drug Related Harm, Canada, 1994.

NSW Public Health Association Impact Award, 2001.

Caughey Medal, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2005.

Lynn E Zimmer Award, International Society for the Study of Drug Prohibition.

Inductee, National Drug and Alcohol Awards Honour Roll.

Alex Wodak told J-Wire: “I am very touched and very conscious of the fact that very few people do anything on their own. I am very grateful to many people, especially my mother, who have helped and encouraged me in my career.”



For service to veterinary science and animal welfare, particularly through the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Victoria.

State Council Vice-President, Victoria, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), 1980-2008; State Council Member, since 1979; Chair, Animal Welfare Committee, since 1985; Member, Budget and Finance Committee; Member, Strategy and Corporate Policy Committee; Member, Site Redevelopment Steering Committee; Chair, RSPCA Animal Ethics Committee.

Victorian Representative, Policy Advisory Council, Australian Veterinary Association, since 2003; Treasurer, Victorian Division Executive Committee, 2003-2006; Treasurer, Management Committee, Melbourne Metropolitan Practitioner Branch (MMPB), for 10 years; MMPB Representative, Victorian Division Executive Committee, for several years;

Dr Onn Ben-David

Member, Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, since 2003.

Member, Advisory Committee, Animal Welfare Science Centre, since 2002.

Member, Bureau of Animal Welfare Reference Group, Department of Primary Industries.

Representative, Victorian Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Department of Primary Industries.

Dr Onn Ben-David had this to say: “This is a double joy. Last month I received a Fellowship award from the Australian Veterinary Association and now this…and for doing something I enjoy every single day. When I immigrated from Israel in 1970 I could never have imagined that this would happen. I have enjoyed every day of my career”


Sandra Benjamin

For service to the community, particularly through the Jewish Museum of Australia, and to the arts.

President, Jewish Museum of Australia, 2002-2004; Chair, 2000-2001; Director, for 9 years.

Involved with the Museum, since 1985; commenced as a guide.

Coordinator, Friends of the Museum.

Director, International Board, Florence Melton Adult Mini School, since 2004.

Founder and Member, Committee of Management, Florence Melton School, Melbourne, 1997-2004; Chairman, 2004-2008.

Current Member, Jewish Care (Victoria); Member, Board Sub-Comittee for Development and Fundraising Board; volunteer and donor, for over 3 years.

Former Member, Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence.

Director, National Gallery of Australia Foundation, since 2007; current Chair, Decorative Art Acquisition Fund.

Current Collector, Studio Glass; Mentor to artists.

Current Curator, Australian Galleries Contemporary Glass.

Panel Speaker, Glass Art Society Conference, Portland USA, 2008.

Guest Lecturer, Glass Workshop, Sydney College of the Arts.

Sandy Benjamin told J-Wire: ”

I am thrilled to be honoured by my country, and would like to express my gratitude for the opportunities that have been presented to me. In each community project in which I have been involved, I have been stimulated and stretched and, most importantly, I have made lifelong friends.


For service to the community through a range of Jewish organisations.

Chairman, Council of Christians and Jews (Vic), 2003-2004; Member, Executive Committee, 1989-2001; Events Coordinator, 1992-2001; Life Member, since 2002.

President, St Kilda Hebrew Congregation, 1982-1984; Treasurer, 1980-1982; Member, Board of Management, 1976-1986; Life Governor, since 2006.

Michael Cohen

Member, Executive Committee, Unit Mitzvah B’nai B’rith, since 2008.

Voluntary Guide, Jewish Museum of Australia, 1992-2008.

Representative of the Australian Society of Accountants, 3rd Jerusalem Conference on Accountancy, 1978.

State President, Victorian Division, CPA Australia (formerly the Australian Society of Accountants), 1974; Council Member, Victorian Division, 1969-1975;

Member, Victorian Division Disciplinary Appeals Committee, 1992-2004.

Lecturer, Australian Society of Accountants, Annual Reasearch Lecture in University of Melbourne, 1973.

Michael Cohen told J-Wire that he had been a guide at the Museum since it opened. He added: “I am particularly honored by the recognition of my association with St Kilda Shule.”


For service to the community, particularly through the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation.

Current Vice-President and Immediate Past President, Brisbane Hebrew Congregation; Life Member, since 2010; also served as President; Treasurer; Secretary and Board Member; involved since 1974.

Vice-President and Chairman of Tahara  Brisbane Chevra Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society); Life Member, since 2008; involved since 1974.

John Goldman

Member, Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies Retirement Accommodation Sub-Committee; involved since 2007.

Trustee, United Board of Hebrew Education; Treasurer; involved since 1981.

Treasurer, B’nai B’rith Youth Association, 1970s.

Director, Queensland Maccabi National Carnival Committee, 1980-1990.

Former Committee Member, Jewish National Fund and United Israel Appeal.

Co-Founder, Blue and White Social Organisation, mid 1960s.

Member, Executive Committee, Mansfield State High School and Mount Gravatt South State Primary School Parents and Citizens, 1980-1994.

Company Secretary, R M Williams Australian Bush Learning Centre; involved since 2009.

John Goldman told J-Wire: “Thank you for your kind wishes.”

NOEL LEVIN [Caulfield VIC]

For service to the Jewish community, particularly the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation, and to people with disabilities through the Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria.

Noel Levin

Life Governor, St Kilda Hebrew Congregation; Past President; Board Member, for 35 years.

Current Foundation Member and Benefactor, Mount Scopus Foundation, Mount Scopus Memorial College; volunteer and Member, Parents’ Association, 1964-1992.

Volunteer on a weekly basis, Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria.

His comments? “What a great honour it is to receive this recognition for doing something that I have enjoyed doing for so long. I find it hard to believe that when I decided, at the age of 70, to not stand for election again I had been on the Board of St Kilda Shule for more than half my life.

I am still involved but the best thing is that I don’t have to go to Board meetings now.

My wife Jenny and our children have supported me all the way even though a few times they said “enough is enough!”

Noel Levin spent a great deal of his time working with the disabled. He added “I used to spend a good part of one day a week with a group at Caulfield racecourse getting them up on to a horse and walking them around. With some of them it was hard to tell if they were enjoying the activity, others absolutely loved it and couldn’t wait to climb aboard. These were mainly kids with various forms of physical or intellectual disabilities or both, although there were some adults as well. At some times it was very intensive with a ‘walker’ on each side to support them on the horse and someone leading the horse. Unfortunately I had to stop when my knees and feet couldn’t cope with all the walking especially as the horses every now and then would stand on a foot! I was only able to do this for a comparatively short time compared to my 35 years on the Board of the Shule.”

JEROME “JOCK” LEVY [Centennial Park NSW]

For service to the Australian film industry through the Waterside Workers’ Federation Film Unit and as a producer, director and actor.

Jerome "Jock" Levy

Co-Founder, Producer and Director, Waterside Workers’ Federation Film Unit, 1953-1958.

16 films/documentaries as a Producer include:

–  Pensions for Veterans, 1953.

–  The Hungry Miles, 1953; First Prize and Gold Medal, 1957 Warsaw Youth Festival.

–  Australian Legends and Aboriginal Art, 1956.

–  A Question of Health,1956.

–  Click Go The Shears, 1956.

–  The Housing Problem and You, 1958.

Works as a Director include:

–  New Theatre League (Sydney), 6 productions, 1941-1945.

–  Sydney New Theatre, 21 productions, 1945-1982; Life Member.

Works as an actor include:

–  New Theatre League Sydney, 4 productions, 1939-1943.

–  Sydney New Theatre, 6 productions, 1945-1948; joined the theatre in 1941.

–  Jewish Youth Theatre, 1937.

Production roles in iconic Australian movie, On the Beach, 1959; and the Whiplash television series.

Master of properties, special effects, cinematographer and master of explosives for many films, 1950s-1970s.

Jock Levy told J-Wire: “This is not simply an award to me. I regard it as award to Australian theatre and I am very proud to receive it.”

HARRY MOND [Caulfield VIC]

For service to medicine in the field of cardiology.

Specialist Physician, Department of Cardiology, the Royal Melbourne Hospital, since 1975.

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, since 2000; current Lecturer and Examiner, Faculty of Dentistry; Doctor of Medicine, 1974.

Current Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University; Member, St Jude Advisory Board, 2003 and 2008.

Harry Mond

Cardiology Fellowship, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, 1973-1974.

Residency, general medical and specialty cardiology training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital, 1967-1973.

Fellow, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, since 2005.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1975; Member, since 1970.

Member of many government committees of the Australian Standards Association and the Therapeutic Goods Association, since 1979.

Board Member, International Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Society, since 1997; Member, Asia-PACE News; Member, Editorial Board, 1983.

Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society, since 2006; Member, since 1982; Member, Annual Scientific Sessions, for over 25 years; Co-Chair, Advisory Board, 2000, Member,1999-2000.

.Fellow, American College of Cardiology, since 1979.

Member, International Advisory Board, Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 2003.

Member, Editorial Board, Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal, 2001.

Member Editorial Board, European Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1991-1997.

Board Member, Asian Pacific Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1995.

Honorary Life Member, Argentinean Society Pacing and Electrophysiology, 1992.

Author, The Cardiac Pacemaker: Function and Malfunction, 1983.

Co-Author, Rate Responsive Cardiac Pacing, 1988.

Co-Author, Pacing Options in the Adult Patient with Congenital Heart Disease, 2007.

“For 41 years I have been involved in medical academia and have watched the development of the pacemaker from the age of advebture and discovery change to the sophisticated way we put them in today. This great honour makes all that time feel just a little more worthwhile.”


Pauline Rockman

For service to the community, particularly through the Jewish Holocaust Centre.

Current President, Jewish Holocaust Centre Inc, Melbourne.

Regional Consultant, University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education.

Leader, The Adult March of the Living, since 2004.

Deputy Chair, Immigrant Women’s Domestic Violence Service.

Staff Member, Women’s Information and Referral Centre.

Pauline said receiving the award is very exciting. She added: “I am both very proud and humbled.”


For service to the community, particularly through Maccabi Australia, and to business.

Chairman, Maccabi Australia, since 2007; Member, Board, since 2006; Founding Chairman, Board of Governors, since 2007.

Founding Patron, Inaugural Maccabi Australia International Games, 2006.

Barry Smorgon

New South Wales Chairman, Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, since 1998.

Appeal Chairman, Jewish Communal Appeal (JCA), 1998-2004; Appeal Campaign Chairman, 1997; Honorary Life Governor (JCA), 2005.

Director, DBR Investments and DBR Corporation, since 1980.

Chairman, Jalco Australia, since 1996.

Current Chairman , Pack and Send stores.

Director, Smorgon Consolidated Industries, 1968-1993.

Philanthropic contibutions include to:

–  Chairman’s Leadership Foundation, Sydney Opera House.

–  The Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

–  The Breast Cancer Network Australia.

–  Jewish Communal Appeal.

–  Western Bulldogs Foundation.

–  Baker Heart Institute.

–  Peter MacCallum Clinic.

–  Mount Scopus Memorial College.

Barry Smorgon commented: “I lead a large teams in all endeavours and much of the credit for this award must go to them. I am very proud and humbled.”


For service to the community, particularly through the Courage to Care program of B’nai B’rith Australia.

Ivan Visontay

Volunteer, ‘Living Historian’, Courage to Care program, B’nai B’rith Australia, since 1999.

Current Treasurer, The Parent’s Home, B’nai B’rith of New South Wales.

Treasurer, Anti-Defamation Unit, for 10 years.

Executive Secretary, The Bargain Bazaar; Board Member.

President, Lodge Aviv, 1982; Treasurer.

Member, Sinai Lodge, 1962-1982; Member, since 1962; Treasurer, 1992-1998.

Founding Member, Cremorne Hebrew Congregation, 1960; Board Member, 1983-1990.

Ivan Visontay told J-Wire: “This is totally unexpected and I feel very humbled. I am not a person who would aspire to special recognition. I have been involved with B’nai B’rith for 47 years and with Courage to Care for 10 years.”

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Sunday, March 16, 2025