NZ Governor-General to go to Beersheba

October 24, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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New Zealand’s Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy will travel to Israel to join Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Beersheba at which The Australian Light Horse routed the Turks and changed the course of history.

The Governor-General has replaced former Prime Minister Bill English who lost the recent election.
The 4th Light Horse brigade comprised of Australian and New Zealander fighting men.
 Israel’s ambassador to New Zealand Dr. Itzhak Gerberg will also attend the ceremony.
John McCormick, Chairman Hawkes Bay Province Friends of Israel, told J-Wire that he welcomes Winston Peters as the incoming Foreign Minister .


2 Responses to “NZ Governor-General to go to Beersheba”
  1. Johnty Dee says:

    On NZ’s UN performances, they should be denied entry. Israel still has a NZ ambassador?

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    The Governor General of Australia should attend such activities instead of the PM.

    Mr Turnbull currently has enough on his plate governing Australian (not very well either) than attending yet another commemorating a long passed battle during WW1.

    I have great admiration of Lt Gen Sir Harry Chauvel though and the Desert Mounted Corps he commanded by the end of that war in 1918.

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