New president for the ZFA
Dr Danny Lamm will not stand for reelection for the presidency of the Zionist Federation of Australia.

Dr Danny Lamm
A new president will be elected at the ZFA’s biennial conference to be held in Melbourne in November.
In a statement to officeholders Lamm wrote: “Our Biennial Conferences are also when assembled delegates have the opportunity to raise and debate issues of concern as well as to vote for the elected leadership of our organisation for the coming two years.
I am writing today to advise you that at the forthcoming Conference, I will be standing down from my position after a period of over four years, and a new president will be elected. During this time, we have initiated new programs, developed existing activities and have celebrated many notable anniversaries. I was very proud to have had the opportunity to lead this organisation during the ZFA’s 90thanniversary last year, which we celebrated at an assembly held for the first time in Australia’s Capital City, Canberra, with the cooperation and support of Australia’s newest Zionist Council, the ACT ZC.
It is my intention that the transition to new leadership will be seamless and I hope to work closely with my successor to ensure a comprehensive handover.
Taking responsibility in a community organisation such as the ZFA is a labour of love – one does not undertake such a role for the glamour or honour, but out of commitment to the cause. For me, Israel is, always has been and will remain integral to my personal identity and having had the opportunity to serve the Zionist movement in this role has been a privilege and a pleasure.
Of course, I’m not going anywhere yet – the Biennial Conference on 11 November will be the point at which the election will take place and the transition will be formalised. In the meantime, I will continue to dedicate myself to serving the organisation.”
Now that’s a good photo of Dr Lamm.
Unfortunately many photos of people on J-Wire are not very good with their faces looking sad, angry, tired or stressed. Not a good look.