Muslim who decried Hanson’s anti-Islam views on Q & A had reference to “Jews” as “pigs” on Facebook

July 21, 2016 by Julie Nathan
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On the ABC’s Q&A program on July 18, Khaled Elomar was invited to pose a question to one of the panellists, Pauline Hanson of the far Right One Nation party. Hanson was elected to the Senate at the recent Federal election. 


Khaled Elomar               ABC-TV  Q&A

Elomar complained about her anti-Islam statements and policies, telling the audience that he has been called “a Muslim pig” ever since Hanson re-entered politics and spoke publicly against Islam. His words were applauded by the audience and this was watched by about 1 million viewers of the program.

Elomar, as it turns out, is on record on his Facebook page of doing precisely what he accused was being done to him – referring to people as “pigs” on account of their religion.

In November 2014, a comment was posted on Elomar’s Facebook page in Arabic referring to “Jews” as “pigs”.  The comment also called on God to curse the Jews. The comment is reproduced below:


  • “May Allah curse the Jews pigs”



Following exposure, the “Jews pigs” comment on Elomar’s Facebook page disappeared.

Will the ABC now do the right thing and share the findings of the disclosure with the 1 million viewers of Q & A? Don’t hold your breath.

Julie Nathan is the Research Officer for the Executive Council of Australian Jewry




12 Responses to “Muslim who decried Hanson’s anti-Islam views on Q & A had reference to “Jews” as “pigs” on Facebook”
  1. Trent Almir Smith says:

    Labeling any religious group as pigs is unacceptable. Are you now going to post quotes on this page from Pauline Hanson’s FB page that label all muslims as far worse. There are hundreds even thousands of individual comments that label Muslims as terrorists, paedophiles, murderers, call for their deaths, deportations, incaseration etc I could go on and on. Your article proves nothing. You found one quote from two years ago shared from another page translating a quote from Arabic. At worst it is accurate and unacceptable. It has been removed. Are you going to contact Pauline Hanson and write an individual article about all of her supporters and their comments. Nope. Didn’t think so. You are worse than the Murdoch Press.

    • Julie Nathan says:

      Yes Trent, I agree that labelling any religious group as pigs is unacceptable. It is worse when a person labels a religious group as pigs and then denounces other people for that very offence. Bigotry is bad enough. Bigotry plus hypocrisy is worse. I am certainly not going to dignify the bigoted comments posted on Pauline Hanson’s FB page by reproducing them. And yes we have made our views against Hanson known on many occasions, most recently in an article in The Australian by our Executive Director on July 18.

      Also, you are wrong in saying that the bigoted comments on Elomar’s FB page were “shared from another page translating a quote from Arabic”. That is a cheap way of evading moral responsibility. In fact, the Arabic words meaning “May Allah curse the Jews pigs…” were posted on Elomar’s FB page separately from the images that were copied from the so-called “Israeli Crimes” Facebook page. These words were ADDED deliberately as Elomar’s own introduction, and Elomar must take full responsibility for them.

      • Trent Almir Smith says:

        As I said the comments are unacceptable. No excuse for them.

        I guess you have never made a comment you didn’t regret on social media. You are above reproach.

        I guess all people who have made comments they regret by your standard are then no longer able to comment lobby or advocate for change. Their life of activism is then over?

        Must have been a very slow news day for you to even view and look back over 2 years of posts on his profile. Or is this something you do for all Muslims who comment in public?

        Glass houses…

  2. Monica says:

    Very disappointing Q&A…your ratings must be in trouble that you have to stoop to these tactics…..well this didn,t help your cause because I for 1 wont be watching your program any more

  3. Beornn McCarthy says:

    I have had a look at Elomar’s Facebook page at that date and yes it is gone. In another picture of this I saw it was not Elomar’s words but a sharing of a post by the Campaign to Expose the Crimes of Israel Facebook page. So went there and couldn’t find it either. This all looks suspicious and can’t really see this as strong evidence of anything. Can you provide more proof and give the context for the post accurately?

    • Julie Nathan says:

      The Arabic words meaning “May Allah curse the Jews pigs…” were posted separately as a comment on Elomar’s Facebook page, and Elomar must take responsibility for that posted comment. These words were posted separately from the images that were copied from the so-called “Crimes of Israel” Facebook page.

      I (and one other witness who was present with me at the time) went onto Elomar’s FB page at about 5pm on Wednesday July 20:

      You will see his July 19, 2016 post where he says the following about the response to his comments to Hanson on Q & A the previous evening:

      “We have been inundated and overwhelmed with messages of gratitude and appreciation, as well as messages from the other side too. On behalf of myself and my family, we humbly and modestly accept your extremely generous and kind words. Our voice is simply an echo of the greater Australia and the World. Nothing new in what I’ve said. Just reiterating the obvious. Together we will defeat Racism Bigotry Hate and Ignorance.” Etc etc etc

      Then I scrolled down the posts on the same FB page going back to November 6, 2014 and found the post in Arabic and the translation which includes the words “Jews pigs”. I took several screenshots of the post, one of which is reproduced in the JWire article. It originally appeared at but was taken down at about 8pm on July 20.

      In addition to being on the same FB page, the same profile picture is used for the 2016 post as was used for the 2014 post.

  4. Sarah Tatooine says:

    I am a 6th generation young Australian and just came across this page. I see the comment about ISLAMOPHOBIA. You Jewish people need to catch up! You come out here assimilate and be productive and are respected members of our community pay taxes and work hard and almost never go on the dole, you never ever talk about how you need to change this country into a middle eastern one, and to make things worse when threatened or degraded or just made fun of in the press you write stern letters of complaint? Jewish people have not been determined to kill us, blow us up or basically destroy our way of life. If you want to have equal rights and Jewishphobia you have a heck of a lot of work to do because you are not even out of the starting gate!

  5. Jill Samowitz says:

    o dear Yet again the ABC shows its bias
    It was an awful programme allowing Pauline Hanson to be ridiculed and laughed at, I thought that Greens women and Sam whoever were also extremely disrespectful.
    I don’t support Pauline Hanson but the tone of the show was disgraceful.
    Poor Mr Elomar!!!!!!!!! O NO !!!!!!!! In the meantime the truth of it is he has badmouthed both Hanson and Lambie on FB
    His Facebook account, is littered with foul-mouthed rants about “Zionist Israel”, capitalism and the West. He called Jews pigs
    What a joke!!!!!!!!! get your act together Q and A

  6. Joe Silver says:

    This is a good scoop. The Australian has now run the story

    Q&A: ‘Good bloke’ Muslim lashed Hanson

    Khaled Elomar confronts Pauline Hanson on Monday night’s Q&A.

    • Rebecca Urban
    • The Australian
    • 12:00AM July 22, 2016

    The Muslim man who confronted Pauline Hanson on ABC’s Q&A over her “Islamophobic feelings” on Monday night has repeatedly denigrated the One Nation leader online, posting doctored images of her in a hijab and telling her to “go uppercut” herself.

    Lebanese-born Khaled Elomar, of Sydney, was presented as a typical Australian Muslim grappling with explaining to his son why their religion had made them a target for hatred, which has seen him hailed by some in the media in recent days.

    But Mr Elomar holds strong political views of his own. His Facebook account, which appears to be held jointly with another person, is littered with foul-mouthed rants about “Zionist Israel”, capitalism and the West.
    There are also posts that try to minimise the risk of terrorism, describing Islamic State as “minor” and a “fabrication of the Syrian regime”.
    “The Zionists and capitalists of the world ‘Go f..k yourselves’,” he wrote in October 2014. “We want peace motherf..kers.”

    Months later he wrote: “The world is waking up to the crimes of Zionism/Capitalism. The world is extremely cognisant of the bias and flawed western foreign policies. Islam has a vast international supportive audience.”

    However, it is Mr Elomar’s recent posts about Ms Hanson, as well as Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie, that again raise questions about the extent to which Q&A vets its audience members, who are given rare access to probe politicians and other high-profile individuals on a range of subjects.

    The program faced scrutiny last year after allowing terrorist sympathiser Zaky Mullah to appear. The incident prompted an investigation that found that while the program did make background checks it failed to review Mullah’s recent social media activity, comprising several offensive and misogynistic posts.

    Just last month, Mr Elomar uploaded an open letter to Ms Hanson, describing her “resentment and hostility” to Muslim people as “extremely disconcerting”. “With all due respect, I can only make the conclusion that ignorance is a major contributor to the loathing feeling that occupies your heart and mind,” he wrote.

    After telling his followers he had received no response from the politician, he followed it up with a faux advertisement for Ms Hanson’s new “One Islamation Party”, showing her donning a blue hijab.

    On that day he also posted a video of the senator-elect in her kitchen, quipping: “I’ll have white with one sugar.’’ “You’re probably not even good at that,” he wrote. “Go upper¬cut yourself.’’

    Senator Lambie, another politician who has expressed views about radical Islam, has also been targeted by Mr Elomar, who has described her as “ugly”, stupid” and “a deformed creature”.

    Ms Hanson’s spokesman, James Ashby, said yesterday that the program’s producers had assured him they were taking safety precautions, with the Australian Federal Police to run rigorous security checks.

    Ms Hanson said last night she felt she had been “set up” and wouldn’t be rushing to appear again on Q & A any time soon. Mr Ashby said he had complained to host Tony Jones following the broadcast, particularly about the amount of time that had been dedicated to the issue of Islam, when he had been assured that it would be just one of many issues canvassed.

    “There is an obvious agenda with the ABC,” Mr Ashby said. “They tried to tell me this bloke was a great bloke … how wonderful he was; that Pauline should really take some time out to meet up with this guy. He came across meek and mild, concerned about his 11-year-old son.”

    Mr Elomar told the program his son had asked him what Islamophobia meant and he had shown him some of Ms Hanson’s past videos. “I promised him I would ask you this question so he can hear the answer from yourself, so with all due respect Ms Hanson, what is the basis of your Islamophobic feelings: hate, fear or ignorance?” he asked.

    He later blamed her for the abuse he was getting in the streets. “Only recently, after your rhetoric has come aboard the media, almost every day I get called a Muslim pig, because of you,” he said. Mr Khaled’s social media profile reveals a man who feels he has personally been tainted by fears over terrorism. He accuses the government and media of creating hype and fear with recent terrorism raids.

    In October 2014 he wrote of being a “simple Muslim” yet always being followed by police. “To that I say screw you all. Kiss my backside if you don’t like how I look. F. k the Australian government. F. k the US government, F. k Israeli Government. F. k ISIS/ISIL. F. k Zionism. F. k Capitalasm (sic).”

    An ABC spokeswoman declined to comment on whether Q & A had been aware of his views. “As usual, the audience members were checked as much as is practicable on social media by the … producers. Also as usual, the audience list was referred to the AFP and the NSW police,” she said. The Australian attempted to contact Mr Elomar via Facebook and phone but was unsuccessful.

  7. Danny Kidron says:

    Famous muslim saying: be the victim and take control.

    • Oliver Colman says:

      Here here, this bloke was hand picked by the lefty love-in crowd at the ABC !

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