Kemp to talk at Sydney University

March 9, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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United Israel Appeal’s keynote speaker Colonel Richard Kemp will take time off the UIA campaign to take part in a discussion at the University of  Sydney.

kemp-2Col. Kemp was commander of British forces in Afghanistan and worked for the Joint Intelligence Committee and the national crisis management group, COBR, during the period of the 2005 London bombings and a series of high-profile kidnappings of British nationals in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He was involved in devising and developing government strategies and policies on counter terrorism. He is a highly respected analyst and commentator on the rules of war, counter-insurgency, asymmetric warfare and Middle East conflict.

He is an outspoken supporter of Israeli conduct in its armed conflict with Hamas and a critic of Hamas war crimes. In 2009, addressing a UN hearing following the handing down of the now discredited Goldstone Report, Col. Kemp told the hearing, “… during Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in the combat zones than any other army in the history of warfare.

Col Kemp will address UIA functions this week in Sydney.

Details of his university visit:



One Response to “Kemp to talk at Sydney University”
  1. Robert Schneider says:

    Excellent initiative!

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