Intermarriage on the rise – assimilation a strategic threat to Israel

November 18, 2010 Agencies
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In a new report tabled to the Knesset, between 25% and 35% of Australian Jews are intermarrying.

Danny Danon, Chairman of the Knesset Committee for immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, presented the latest figures during a hearing this week. The figures are the result of a study made two years ago.

Danon told media that “the fear of assimilation of Diaspora Jews is a strategic threat for the continued existence of Israel”.

The study showed that the intermarriage rate of both the religious and secular Jewish communities was almost identical.

The most affected country is Russia an intermarriage rate of 75%. Eastern bloc countries were slightly less at 65% with the U.S. following at 55%. France, the U.K. and Latin America followed at rates between 35% and 45%. Canada and Turkey joined Australia in the 25%-35% band. Mexico had the lowest recorded rate of 15%.


2 Responses to “Intermarriage on the rise – assimilation a strategic threat to Israel”
  1. Gabrielle Gouch says:


    Religion has driven many young people away from their roots. In Israel one can be secular and not be less Jewish (although the percentage of religious people on increase)in the Diaspora is far more difficult. Young people are opting out.

  2. Richard Joachim says:

    It doesn’t have to be a problem, if the partner ‘converts’ to Judaism they are then treated no differently than those born Jewish – in fact, it is forbidden to treat ‘Jews by choice’ any differently. I don’t know what the fuss is about. If the ‘Jewish’ partner is not living a ‘Jewish’ life anyway, then one can’t count it as a ‘loss’ surely? Jew is as Jew does.

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