Holocaust Centre of New Zealand strongly condemns Christchurch mosque attack
The Holocaust Centre of New Zealand has strongly condemned the acts of violence that have taken place in Christchurch over the past few hours. Australian organisations have echoed its sentiments.

Al Noor Mosque, Christchurch. Photo: Facebook
The HCNZ said: “We are devastated by the news that our fellow citizens can be attacked in a place of worship and peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the wider Muslim community.
We say to all New Zealanders, that acts of hate have no place in our society, and to stand in solidarity against people who believe they do. It is our responsibility to care for, respect and protect everyone and we all have the right to feel as safe in a place of worship as we do in our own homes.
“Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.” ― Yehuda Bauer
The president of the New Zealand Jewish Council Stephen Goodman stated: “The New Zealand Jewish Council has no adequate words to describe how sickened and devastated we are by the co-ordinated attacks on Christchurch mosques today.
We are praying for those all those affected and their families.”
A spokesperson for Israel’s embassy in Wellington said: Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the terror attack in Christchurch. A tragic and sad day for New Zealand. Our hearts go out to all of those affected by this horrible event.,
We pray that the Almighty G-d who is All Merciful, grant speedy healing to the wounded and grant consolation and comfort to those who have lost loved ones.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
President of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry Anton Block commented: “From the information available to the public, it appears that the murderer or murderers were motivated by white supremacist, neo-Nazi ideology. To kill unarmed civilians peacefully gathered at prayer in a place of sanctuary, is an act of utter evil. It is a perverse and cowardly crime that the Jewish community knows only too well. “
Rabbi Philip Heilbrunn stated on behalf of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria: “Together with all Australians, we, the Rabbinical Council of Victoria, are pained to hear the tragic news coming out of Christchurch of the heinous murders perpetrated at two mosques in the heart of the city.
Initial indications are that this was a premeditated hate crime, intentionally targeted at Muslims at the time of the busiest prayer service of the week, and indeed several hundred congregants were trapped in the line of fire.
The cowardly act of targeting defenceless people engaged in worship on their holy day is despicable by all accounts, and we stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters as they deal with this shocking tragedy.
While the situation is still unfolding and we anxiously await further details, it is already clear, as New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has stated, that this is one of NZ’s ‘darkest days’.
We condemn this act in the strongest possible terms and offer our hearts in prayer, wishing much comfort and healing to all those affected.
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission said the attack was on all of us.
“We are horrified beyond words by this unspeakable act of domestic terrorism, which was motivated by extremism and racism.
That the gunman targeted people in a house of worship is beyond depraved. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the victims, their families, and the members of their congregation and community. We hope that they can
find some measure of solace and strength from the support given by the Australian people and by nations around the world.
We wish the injured a full and speedy recovery. This senseless and brutal crime is a wakeup call about the growing threat of white-supremacist and neo-Nazi movements who are in our midst. The Jewish people understand very well the tragic consequences of blind hatred and intolerance, and we stand together with the people of New Zealand and offer our solidarity and condolences.”
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) expressed its deep dismay at the horrific terrorist attacks and conveyed sincere condolences and sympathy to the victims and their families and all those whose lives have been so severely impacted by this outrage.
“The perpetrators of this monstrous hate crime will unite all decent people in solidarity with the victims,” said AIJAC Executive Director Colin Rubenstein. “Such atrocities will only strengthen our resolve and interfaith commitment to building more cohesive and harmonious societies,” he concluded.
Jeremy Jones, AIJAC Director of International and of Community Affairs added, “The alleged perpetrators asserted that they were acting to build a better world for their children and this is as morally repugnant as it is intellectually offensive. All fair-minded people want to build a world where we are able to exercise freedoms to live, to worship and believe.”
AIJAC described the attack as an act of appalling right-wing racist terrorism.
Firstly I join with those who have expressed their horror over this dastardly deed.
Ask yourself though what Muslim organisations came out with public statements and press releases after the Pittsburgh massacre.
Now I want to allude to the unfortunate side effects from this event:
Firstly we can see the blame being apportioned to Jews for this incident because of the backlash they claim has been caused over the Ilhan Omar affair in the United States.Refer https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/ny/chelsea-clinton-blamed-for-stoking-hatred-behind-mosque-massacre-in-new-zealand/2019/03/16/
Secondly this will provide ammunition to the Left to further blanket rational commentary coming from the conservative camp by calling it out as right-wing that encourages maniacs like Tarrant to carry out attacks like this. In other words it will polarise the public debate on concerns over Islamism more than ever and provide further fuel to the shame that is identity politics. Refer https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/03/15/new-zealand-the-barbarism-of-identity-politics/