ECAJ opens office in Canberra and changes its structure
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry and the Australian affiliate of the World Jewish Congress has announced a new permanent professional office in Canberra and a major restructure of its professional team.
Due to a significant expansion of its work in advocacy and the opening of the new office in Canberra, Alex Ryvchin, who has served as Public Affairs Director for the past five years, has been promoted to the position of co-Chief Executive Officer to work in partnership with Peter Wertheim in a co-CEO arrangement in the Sydney office.
Peter will be responsible for Strategy, Policy and Anti-Racism, while Alex’s major focus will be Advocacy and Antisemitism. The CEOs will continue to work in the spirit of collaboration, consultation, assistance and camaraderie that has made the ECAJ’s professional team so cohesive and successful.
The ECAJ has appointed Samantha Khavin to the position of Public Engagement Officer to staff the new office in Canberra which will be located at the National Jewish Memorial Centre in Forrest. She will work to deepen the ECAJ’s engagement with government, media and civil society in Canberra.
ECAJ president Anton Block said: “These are exciting times for the ECAJ and we are confident that this restructure will ensure the organisation is even better placed to serve as an effective and influential voice for the Australian Jewish community.”
The new structure replaces the executive director position