Aleph takes issue with Rabbi Telsner

September 3, 2015 by J-Wire
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Aleph Melbourne says that the apology published by former Melbourne Yeshivah Rabbi Zvi Telsner “falls short”.

A release by Aleph states: “Whilst his resignation letter claims remorse for his actions, his apology falls short of addressing his claims that homosexual people can be cured of what he believes is an ailment.

AlephTo demonstrate genuine remorse for his harmful words Zvi Telsner must undertake secular education on homosexuality and strongly distance himself from any notion that homosexuality can either be cured or is abnormal.

As a senior religious leader in his community his authority combined with his ongoing intolerance of homosexuality will feed into the self-destructive outcomes that same-sex attracted people experience due to intolerance of their sexuality.

Homosexuality has not been considered an illness by mental health professionals for over 40 years and is now affirmed as a normal expression of human sexuality.  For any person to consider it curable demonstrates gross ignorance.

Victims of child sexual abuse who experience same-sex attraction will benefit by seeking support for their abuse from accredited mental health professionals, whilst avoiding any form of sexual orientation change efforts, such as reparative therapy.

The Australian Psychological Society and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists can provide referrals to suitably qualified practitioners.



2 Responses to “Aleph takes issue with Rabbi Telsner”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    Unfortunately, Rabbi Zvi Telsner has demonstrated that he is indeed a grossly ignorant man. It shows how necessary it is for those in any kind of authority, with influence on community, to have a fully-rounded education, not just specialised religious knowledge.

  2. Aleph Melbourne says:

    Thank you for your support.

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